Premier League 2024/25 (Part 1)

The red part of Manchester staring and gulping at Ipswich’s tally

Nah not @Maria

This one sounded like something out of a horror movie. Like she was wronged in life and died a horrible death and is dead-set (pun intended) on making everyone SUFFERRRRR…


Probably @PeachesEnRegalia then

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She had been shouting at other points in the match. Vocal cords must be in shreds now


Had a bet on weekend games with Fulham and Liverpool both to win today and collect £800, fuck you fulham.

What was your stake ?



Michael Oliver has referred five matches between these two teams… and Liverpool have never won.

No agenda here, though.


They didn’t play well enough today to win.

Who did he refer them to?

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Oh well, you wouldn’t have won anyway.

Shame we did not win today. Puts us a bit under pressure to get the three points in the next league match against Forest away from home in 9 days.

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I don’t really buy this, would have been easier going into that game with 9pt gap but we served that up today so maybe pressure is what this team needs.


I had that same thought, we came into the game knowing that we had little pressure applied this weekend by the chasing pack, whereas Man Utd came in absolutely desperate to get some positive energy.

That maturity we had in recent games was gone today and for a lack of a better phrase I’d say we came into the game with the wrong mindset. Genuinely think some of the players bought the narrative that we were going to knock in 10 today.


Yup, it felt like we wanted to get a third at 2-1 when a 2-1 win was fine. If we got chance for a third great but if we hadn’t been sloppy trying to look for passes that at best were 30/70 then I really reckon 2 goals would have been enough.

This talk of having to prove themselves, we’ve beat them, if we won by a goal it’s still a win. Hopefully we can sort it, felt a bit like that with Spurs though at least we had an excuse at 5-1.


We did it earlier in the season by shutting up shop when we were in front, by keeping possession and therefore our shape, I was a little lost why we went gung ho when we never had control of the game.

I was like last year under Jurgen, going all out and ending up like a basketball match.


van Dijk denied that it was the case.

You have to wonder though if the emotion of the game got to their heads…

Max points as things stand…

Liverpool - 103
Arsenal - 94
Forest - 94
Chelsea - 90
Newcastle - 89
Cheaty - 88

Still in an incredibly strong position, and we are the only team that can claim to have its destiny entirely within its own hands.

On to the next one.


If we get max points , the other teams won’t.

We haven’t lost a 6 pointer this season so far. We are fine.


Of course, it is a hypothetical exercise.

High-80s will win this League. We are in a very strong position.