Religion in all its Forms

Haha well there you go. I don’t think theres any core Hindu belief then. It’s like the ‘well I’ll just go about my own business category’.

Fascinating. Thank you.

In reality, not too different from the genesis of Christianty and even Judaism then. Basically pre-existing stories and practices that came from the polythiestic culture in which the new religion formed that over time coalesce into something resembling a coherent unified “religion”.

Well, fuck you both. Just when I thought I got a handle on it…


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Like I said, It’s a system which has amalgamated various folk religions and customs. This was pretty much how Hinduism has spread. The actual “religions” within hinduism are probably “vaishanvism, shaivism, shaktism” etc etc.

The “modern” interpretation of hinduism as it is right now comes from Adi Shankara.

So let’s not get started on Buddism. :sweat_smile:

Buddhism has probably assimilated itself into East Asia the same way that Hinduism has done that in the South Asian region.

Include local gods and beliefs, myths and histories to make it something of an all inclusive belief system.

For example , Any ancient temple in India (There are high chances that Hinduism has assimilated over a local religion and included that “God” as an avatar of an existing pantheon , Or a son of an god etc). That’s just hinduism’s way of assimilating itself into the population.

To even give a more recent example , Indians over here might be aware of this ; There was a mythological movie called “Jai Santhoshi Ma” which released a couple of decades back and apparently, there are now temples based on the character in that movie now. That’s how ridiculous it can get now.


So what roles do the deities in Hinduism play? Can they be seen as deliverers of the Hinduism philosophies from different perspectives or?

Some philosophies say that they are different aspects of nature which are given a form to be worshipped. If you look at the original hindu deities, most of them if not all are aspects of nature (not very dissimilar to the greek pantheons). It’s later that the concept of the trinity(Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and Shakti(Force of creation) were added.

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I refute the assertion that god exists as I have never seen anything remotely close to evidence or proof. The burden of proof is on the person who makes the assertion. I can offer no evidence that god doesn’t exist.

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I tend to look at it this way. Even if there is a “God” , Why would he be even bothered about one person living among billions in a minute speck(earth) among the entire universe ? Doesn’t he/she/it like have other things to do ?

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Here’s my 2 penny’s worth.

When I was a kid I was i to it all and I would be what you’d define as a born again Christian.

Life took over however

I believe that everything has a creator. I believe that the bible sets a good morale compass for a lot of things. I think a lot of religions can claim this. A major problem with religion is that how people take thinks and twist it - radical Islamist for an example, or even from a christian perspective that church in America (wood borough baptist church I think it’s called) you know those idiots who make signs with homophobic slurs and about all soldiers going to hell etc.

My opinion is that religion is supposed to be peaceful etc.

I do believe in God, talk to him occasionally although sort of ashamed to say it’s only when the chips are down which I think a lot of people identify with.

I’m by no means a scientist or anything but struggle to come to grips with the concept that every wonderful thing in this world came about by a huge explosion and a few chemicals and gases mixing etc.

It’s the one question that nobody can answer and nobody will ever be able to answer but I do believe in creation over the Big Bang theory.

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Not for me. I’m absolutely sure that we aren’t the end point of evolution. Why on earth should we?

But there is a recognizable pattern imo, going from simplicity (for instance the chemical elements at second one after the birth of universe) towards increasing complexity, and as a result, conscience (us, but also numerous other current animal species, who enjoy conscience too).

I understand that but I am not so sure that I need proof of everything to actually believe it or in it.
There is no proof that evil exists as an actual core part of a person’s psyche. But yet we acknowledge the evil that people do.

Two children from the same race, background, influences, mental status are placed in front of you. Medical and mental examination will not differentiate one as a child killer or rapist.
But one of them could be…I believe this. But yet until the fateful time arrives I have no evidence that it will.

I don’t have to prove or disprove the existance of a higher power, I dont need to.
Maybe if someone nlbelieves in God or any God they really don’t have to prove existance in order to believe?


Great answer I 100% agree.

You cannot physically see love but you know it exists in the world from the actions people take.

You cannot see oxygen but that exists, gravity etc

But there’s a lot of scientifically verifiable evidence to support the Big Bang Theory and absolutely no verifiable evidence to support the creation myths of any major religion including Christianity.

Thé problem with science is that it’s been wrong in the past.

Once upon a time the top scientist in the world thought the world was flat.

Ye idiots

I aint seen that before but that’s hilarious

Science isn’t an end state, it’s a process. It’s the process of designing experiments to test a hypothesis and then collect enough data until the hypothesis is either proven or disproven.

One can’t compare science to God. God is the hypothesis and science is one of the ways to either prove or disprove God’s existence. The other ways are belief, anecdotal evidence, rationalisation and perhaps more. The scientific method isn’t always right but I think given the world we live in, it’s been far more preferable to any other forms of inquiry.

I actually have a lot of time for those baptist nutters as they actually do believe (and conduct themselves) in accordance with the bible. They don’t buffet it.