It’s what we all hope for but at this point they’ve been hijacked and by and large have no idea that they have been. They’re living in the 21st Century version of the Soviet Union and they don’t even know a scant 3 decades on. Just shows how a people can be slowly led by the nose and gradually allow shit to happen in their name even after seeing the destruction and suffering of so many times before. Fucking thick.
You’re not alone on this,I’m completely with you, mate. Engaging into a war against Russia and against this unhinged government would be a folly of the highest order. Any war is a folly, but that would be suicidal to the extreme. Lemming behaviour.
I haven’t the answer, mate, no idea, I’m not in Putin’s head… I just know that engaging a full-on war with Russia would bring us all very near towards our own extinguishment.
That’s essentially my point, Putin is hell-bent on either getting his on way to dictatorship over the world, or mutual destruction. Don’t think we have much of an alternative in the longer term…
So, what would you suggest? That post a day or so ago with the exchange about economic war, economic wars becoming real ones and the jest about it being an economic special operation should not be ignored. The riposte was funny but the bit about economic wars becoming real ones is very, very real. The Russian military just does not look fit for purpose for a prolonged conflict against a peer and numerical advantage in the modern day battlefield does not count for as much as it did, especially with long range precision weapons. The stick that the Russians are using to keep everyone cowed and out of the actual fighting is the nuclear one and fair enough its a big fucking stick.
Thing is, they’re always going to be waving that stick in your face and gleefully taking advantage of it and using economic sanctions as the pretext for annexations for resources or influence. The playground bully has to get a smack in the mouth at some point or we’re back in the Cold War, proxy wars, ill considered military actions by everyone to keep their spheres of influence or to deny the other. Its a fucking shit show.
The main difference between Russia and China in this kind of situation is that, China is well equipped. As in
Everything in the whole wide world gets manufactured in China
China has their own version of all the items that they manufacture - example Mi smartphones, TV, Bands, etc.
China also has their own version of apps for whatsapp, facebook, twitter, etc. I’m not sure but they may have their own version of Google pay and other payment apps.
Everyone owns China atleast some level of money.
So in this exact scenario where China invades another country, the world is fucked as no sanctions can trouble China.
I am not as sure of that, and neither I suspect are the Chinese. China is far more inter-dependent on the rest of the world on Russia. A comparable sanctions regime on China would trigger a global recession, no question, maybe the worst since the 1930’s, where Russia causes real energy difficulties for Europe but in a global sense just spikes the price of crude. But the Chinese economy would be absolutely devastated in turn.