Russian War Crimes (Part 1)

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After i watched that Ukrainian MRE video i do know now that they are at least definitely eating well.

Not so fast Livvy. The more powerful the army is, the more disgusting the food is. It keeps soldiers in bad mood.


(I translated what the wise Asterix said)


Sheā€™ll never be seen again.

Meanwhile western media are quiet about Julian Assange, whose only crime was reporting western crimes of killing civiliansā€¦

Why do that?

What about this, what about that?

Itā€™s possible to condemn the US for Assange and condemn Russia for suppression of dissent too.

Itā€™s possible to be against US invasions and against this one.

This thread is about Ukraine, thereā€™s no reason to bring up unrelated issues.


As opposed to talking about brexit in this thread and any other topic that has sidelined this thread ? And the discussion is relevant since people are talking about journalists being placed in prison for speaking out , but obviously itā€™s an uncomfortable truth that some wonā€™t address with feigned outrage

No, if you want to check I also called out those posters who brought up Brexit.

Itā€™s nothing feigned, the tactic of bringing up unrelated issues in order to derail a discussion is one of the ways that political discourse has been ruined recently.

If you want to discuss Assange thatā€™s fine, but bringing it up here is not contributing to the debate about Ukraine.



Remind me, why did he seek refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy?

[Apologies itā€™s off topic but just as with the posters who referenced Brexit, I feel compelled to counter inaccuracies]


Wasnā€™t those charges dropped?

Only because he hid long enough.


Does Ukraine have Patriot Missile Systems or other effective Anti-Missile defences? Are we (the West) supplying any?

Itā€™s appalling that the Russians are bombarding civilians with medium range missiles, seemingly with impunity.

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Johnson saying today that the West did a terrible mistake after 2014 by not stopping Europeā€™s dependency on Russiaā€™s oil and gas export. Very well, heā€™s probably right about that.

But whom does he turn towards to address the problem? To Saudi Arabia and the UAEā€¦ talk about going from the frying pan into the fireā€¦ :expressionless: