Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

It kinda makes you wonder … what if the Russians had expended all those missiles against miltary targets instead ?


Quote from Freeman Dyson regarding the V weapons in the second world war:

"We knew that each V-2 cost as much to produce as a high-performance fighter airplane. We knew that German forces on the fighting fronts were in desperate need of airplanes, and that the V-2 rockets were doing us no military damage. From our point of view, the V-2 program was almost as good as if Hitler had adopted a policy of unilateral disarmament. "


It is easier to target static sites though, and the reason why they wait and accumulate strike power (enough missiles on readied platforms) is that they seek to overwhelm air defence in a given barrage, which means they want to fire very many at once or in a short time spam. It is harder to do this against mobile targets, so critical infrastructure is a very tempting target because its effect is very painful. Since these targets don’t move they will be pre-plotted into the target bank many days in advance. Note though that the Russians also strike military depots and barracks and operation centres.


Not sure what to make of this one:

TV Rain is an independent Russian language news service. I’m not sure what the wisdom is of removing a news source from Russian speaking audiences that isn’t merely a mouthpiece for Putin.

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Not sure either tbh. But it’s Latvia and not Germany or Norway, so they are much more wary concerning Kreml propaganda for historical reasons. But I don’t know…

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Should be called NOT-HIMARS!

you and I both know why this is happening…America doesn’t want their rockets hitting RU soil.

it’s an incredible double-standard considering what’s happening with Iran’s munitions…but here we are.

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A very interesting video. It’s 9 min but well worth the watch.


A perspective (turn on subs)

Victor Orban blocked the EU’s aid package to Ukraine, and is holding the Eu for ransom, demanding money fueled into his own authoritarian regime:


Yes, Brussels needs a procedure for expulsion.

The EU works with like minded states with a similar world view and values. A cock like Orban needs to be cut loose.


unrolled thread


Assassination. EU needs to get serious.

obviously Orban is on the Putin programme.

Appears that RU forces near Bakhmut may retake that location. Sounds ominous