Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

millions of brainwashed masses in that part of the world. Russia, China and N. Korea the ultimate dictatorships.


Rogozin claim hed has been injured by Ceasar precision artillery, but says, unfortunately, that he is not badly hurt. A shame.

(I just pasted an old stock photo just in case not everyone knows who he is).

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History being made

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You have to admire Zelenskyy and his team, they have been true inspirations. But then so have the Armed forces and the Ukrainian people.
It is shocking that in modern times, Ukrainian and Russian soldiers will be seeing out Xmas on the frontline. Without their families - who will be missing them and worrying about their welfare. The sooner this war is over and in favour of Ukraine the better.


Since quite some time, I’ve felt that this fella has something of a Churchill vibe about him. It started with the way how he took a firm stand and refused an offer from the US to be extradited when Russia started its attack on Ukraine. Compare this for instance with the spineless way how the Afghan leaders fled as soon as the Taliban started their attack on Kabul… Since then, he has proven time and again to be a competent wartime-leader, to be able to motivate the troops and his fellow citizens.

I found it quite striking that he went to Bakhmut (which is currently the toughest and hottest place in this war, a horrible meat-grinder) just hours before his trip to Washington. This was necessarily bound to impress all the US politicians, whether they are Democrats or Republicans, because it is actually impressive.

His standing ovation in the White House was deserved imo. Now of course comes the hardest part, which is effectively getting that continued support, and then of course, continuing the long and painful slog against Russia.

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So does this mean that when this war is over Zelensky will go off to the USA in a huff, because he isn’t re-elected, and make millions on the American speach circuit. Undermining the ‘new’ president. Until he comes back for the next election and regains presidency!
I wonder what the BBC news headline would be, 'Zelinsky is the reincarnation of Churchill, drunk, moody, vindictive …

It’s really incredible to see the head of a Christian church display such shameless, bloodthirsty warmongering. We aren’t in the middle ages anymore ffs.


It’s not really Christianity anymore. It’s greed and power mongering piggy backing on a religion that is dead easy to imitate and thus subvert. Seeing all these characters sure makes me wish there is a Hell

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Putin is complaining that America is fighting Russia via its proxy, Ukraine.

Obviously America has helped Ukraine, as have many countries, but from the American perspective, the help has only been so much. Nowhere near all-in backing.

I don’t know where it goes from here. Just enough arms for Ukraine to keep fighting, but not enough to start hurting Russia decisively enough that it is defeated?

Is that what we are geared up for? An extended war of attrition?

Some bravery is needed in Russia itself. The people need to rise up, en masse. And/or the people near to Putin need to see the writing on the wall and grow a pair to get rid of him.

surprised he didnt tell the soldiers there is also 40 virgins waiting for them in heaven!


Also… Who made him God all of a sudden… The tosser

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Many Russians are quite religious. Communism never really managed to eradicate religion there. But the Russian Orthodox Church has traditionally always been waving the imperial flag. And if I want to be critical, it’s not the only orthodox church to be very nationalistic, having studied religion and church history, I can say that this is an orthodox tendency even. You have to remember that The orthodox Church, unlike protestantism and the Chatolic Chruch, have not the same power structure. They tend to be very ethnic churches. And the Russian Orthodox Church sees itself as the heir of the Roman Empire (Byzantium). The Russian Orthodox Church allied itself very, very closely with Kreml after the Russian revival (post Soviet).
Perhaps the sad bit, is that it’s not just cynicism, many actually, including priests, believe strongly in this imperial religious Nationalism. Dugin for instance, a fascist imperial thinker, is deeply religious. I would say that many of these Imperial thinkers, those who glorify the Tzar and the Russian Empire, are quite religious.
Very often you see the imperialists fight under the Pantocrator icon flags.



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You guys should watch and listen to the entire series (3 episodes so far). Very good.

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