Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

Strength to Ukraine, exploiting the Russian’s glaring weaknesses and Russia trying to use more and more outlandish lies for self-preservation.

that’s just unbelievable. to call Donetsk “New Russia” is so totally ignorant that it beggars belief.

Speaking of which…these combat maps are updating closer and closer to that MAJOR city. I think it would be the largest recovery of the war after the liberation of Kherson and the capital of an entire oblast? would be a huge day for UA forces to take back that city.

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It is actually a historical name, in use during the Romanov Czars’ reign starting in the 18C, and then again for about 15 minutes last year.

2014, when the likes of Girkin had a real hope that Kreml would take all of Novorossya. I used to read Russian battle updates in 2014 when they pushed (and they called themselves Novorossyia in the propaganda) Naturally, now the likes of Girkin points to that as the gravest of all mistakes that they did not listen to the likes of him, since taking Ukraine in 2014 would have been incredibly easy. Not so now. Now Novorossyia is a far more distant and bloody imperial dream. However, Kreml appears to have made that decision so…

Ukraine has not inched closer to Donetsk as far as I know. Lines there are stable after some rapid Russian gains at the onset of the full scale invasion. Donetsk is in no danger of falling and it is a big fortified city. But maybe and hopefully in the future :slight_smile:

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Its translated.

Lol, so badly written, lol


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for some reason I’d thought the line was much farther west, than the outskirts of Donetsk itself. all these months and zero movement on that line is odd.

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Account of the Makiivka strike

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