Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

Pretty sure its a coincidence but still amusing timing


Thanks @Magnus for your updates. It is hard to comprehend that so many people died through a few peoples incompetence.
I appreciate that in war there will always be casualties and that the death (in this attack) of a large number of soldiers will more than likely result in fewer people dying over the course of the war.
In the modern era, I am surprised Putin and his government haven’t been over thrown.
From your knowledge are there any signs of the people revolting or are they still believing the rubbish peddled through the state controlled media?

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It’s a really odd complaint - are they actually bothered that French munitions aren’t as lethal as they should be?

Kind of reminds me of a quip from one of my German colleagues when we had been disrupted by an unexploded WWII RAF bomb for the third weekend in as many months, “Crappy British engineering - those things never went off!”

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I don’t know how many believes it, but many. But there us a very long way from not believing the messaging to revolting.

Maybe you will find this interesting


This just posted a few minutes ago. Will wait to see what comes of it. Bradleys, that’s a big jump in commitment from the US.


Interesting that they are doing joint announcements. It does indicate a coordinated NATO approach.


Not seen an announcement yet so hoping they’re not jumping the gun but there have been lots of noises about Bradleys as well as Marder AFV’s and a French wheeled armored vehicle that I’m not familiar with for a few days now so yes, definitely a sign of more NATO coordination. Good thread below:

Would have loved to have them on the ground already, would have made a winter offensive over the predicted frozen ground coming up much more likely. And effective.

*edit: looks like it will be happening. Announcement tomorrow?


Marder too, particularly since there are around a hundred who can come out of mothball fast.
The most dangerous of the vehicles pledged is the French recce tank hunter with that god awful big cannon on a fast chassis. But France does not have that many of them, Marder can be supplied in relatively large numbers, as can Bradley in time.
Also big that Germany will provide it’s Patriot.

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It is pleasing to me that this comes on the day that Putin is trying to look saintly and give a high five to Patriarch Kiril with the orthodox Christmas truce. Worriesome that Erdogan is pushing for it though.

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But yes, we are in a true industrial war. The first in my life time. We, the West must outproduce Russia in regards to ammunition. It is the only way Ukraine can win.
As we saw in the article I posted above, it is a tough ask to compete with Russia in regards to armour. But we must do it. Ukraine needs several hundred pieces of medium but probably also heavy, armour, to take back its lands.
And it will be expensive.


Fuck him. It’s a publicity stunt so they can paint Ukraine as aggressors when they hit Russian forces. Sadly, alot of dimwits will fall for it. Fuck him, and them, I’d hit em long and hard where it hurts over that period.


When Biden was asked about it he said he found it interesting how Putin wanted a ceasefire now but was perfectly happy to bomb Ukranian schools , nurseries and maternity hospitals on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

We need more of this kind of stuff. Let that fucker know he can no longer call the narrative.

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Imagine if Scholtz had announced this alone like Macron, how much more good will and PR Germany, who desperatly lacks it, would have. By hiding behind France and the US, it is seen as the German donations are politically “forced” and not given due to good will. This is a problem for Germany, but for some reason, they don’t seem to want to change coarse.

And sigh, just as I was saying and have been saying for a year:

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Germany’s aid is really a lot, advanced and very good. But there is this infuriating fixation in Berlin with shooting yourself in the foot and being extraordinarily cowardly in terms of offering it up. Does nothing to ease the fears of skeptical central and eastern Europeans when Germany insists on being dragged into every substantial aid shipment instead of actually being just a tiny bit proactive (which you expect from the economic and political leader of Europe).


Of course, if this is true, it would change alter the perception. But it’s definitely not true:

It is not true because we also have this, and many stories like this:


Eventually, and everyone knows this, it will become true though. But not before someone else offers MBTs first, so Germany can be the tail. Because Germany refuses to lead on this. But it is clear, the way the war is going, NATO countries will eventually, after much considerations, give Ukraine also some MBTs.

Just to continue my point by quoting others with the same thoughts:

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is it really about gaining credit, though?

Seems to me like a country such as Germany was hesitant to piss off the Russians when they are so firmly on the teat of their oil pipeline…