Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

Putin is a cunt. One of the most despicable characters in modern history


Fighting now inside centre and to the north after AU withdrawals.

Medvedev needs to lie down a bit. His consumption of ROOOOOZYA STRONK1! potions are getting out of hand

Good grief, 1942 tactics in evidence.


They should have stayed in jail.

Not entirely, as their assault groups are much smaller. And now that they have probably culminated, even smaller than before. Interesting to look at the map and the approaches to the city: DeepStateMAP | Map of the war in Ukraine
Some of them are without cover.
But i get your pont and I am just nitpicking of course. It’s a very descriptive picture indeed. The picture is quite old by the way.

Russian use of mass wave attack was always overstated anyway, the 1942 allusion was not to sheer mass but the tactics (or lack thereof) used. But that casualty pattern does clearly indicate a rush attack by un- or lightly supported infantry across open ground, quite possibly into the teeth of artillery fire.

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I know you know that in principle, but I still think you underestimate the deeply engrained anti-militaristic, pacifist nature of the majority of German society/people post WWII - that is not something that is easy to change.
As you know, I’m very unhappy with the leadership and it’s hesitancy, but on the other hand even I have to acknowledge that there already has been quite a seismic shift, even though it might look like a glacier from the outside. That the Greens (including their voters), a party who came largely out of the Peace movement, are now the primary pushers for more military aid is just one of the quite astonishing developments. But yeah, I completely understand the frustration.
I had a conversation with an American a few years ago and I tried to explain to him that the German lesson of WWII/Nazism was ‘no more wars’, while the expectation of our partners seems to be no more ‘wrong’ wars from Germany. Not sure if you understand what I mean.


I understand completely what you mean. And you don’t write anything that is new to me.

But sure, its theoretical knowledge mostly. Not ingrained by having lived in Germany, sure.

Wasn’t meant in a patronizing or condescending way mate. I know you know a lot about Germany.


Seems Soledar may not fall so easily. Good, good. Glad to be wrong !


Me too, but appears the Russians are taking notes and are getting their shit together. Doesn’t bode well for the security of Bakhmut. Could use some help right now as it looks like Russia are dumping resources into the area for some progress on the ground.

Just found out two of my friend’s sons have shipped over to assist, both have worn the Canadian flag before but I don’t know what region they’re going to.


I pray that they come to no harm and that they return in good health.


The Norwegian party Raudt/Rødt (Red) is debating changing their views on arms shipment (donations) to Ukraine. This party was formerly called Arbeidernes Kommunistiske Parti-ml (ml stood for Marxist-Leninist). This translates to The Workers Communist Party-Marxist Leninist, before they renounced hard communism and embraced democratic socialism quite a few years ago (they were formerly a revolutionary party).
Their party leader, Bjørnar Moxnes, is in favour of this shift and is trying to persuade his party members to support arms shipments to Ukraine, arguing they have always been an anti-imperialistic party and Ukraine is attacked in an imperialist war.

I am just mentioning it because I find it interesting to see militaristic support from the Far left for Ukraine. It is not “normal”. Then again, this war is not normal.

There is a lot I like about the party Red, but their foreign politics have always been naive in the extreme. This is a very helpful shift even if he cannot convince his party (the debate itself is positive).

In the Norwegian parliament, Red is the party furthest to the left (The Norwegian Communist Party exists, but only something like 1200 people vote for them, so they have no chance at having MPs).


Potentially extremely bad news.

Russian Rybar has a lot but some salt needed

(warrior isn’t very good though, but better than BMP1s for sure).

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UK reportedly debating supplying Challenger II MBT.

This again, if that happedns soon, will eventually affect this: