Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

with so much attention to the Bakhmut area, I’m curious to know what’s been happening on the Kherson front and Kharkiv? is Russia concentrating on making gains in the middle to lose the north/south? Are the UA forces stretch to operational capacity? all questions to which there are no answers…

You can read militaryland¨s breakdowns. They are good, I have just stopped posting them because it becomes too much for me to post daily.

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same guy

Yuri Butosov

With a lot of propaganda from both sides it is hard to determine the consequences of the gains/success. Ukraine will state their army defended defiantly and slaughtered numerous Russians, whilst Russia will boast about taking an area without taking in the precedent of the number of dead and Vice versa.
My own opinion is that the Wagner group sacrificed alot of Russian mobiles as cannon fodder for their own objective/pride and have over emphasised the importance of the area. I appreciate, it may give them some tactical advantages short term/maybe long term but the Ukrainians have shown in the past they are capable of retaking land.
My main hope is that the Ukrainian forces manage to retreat and avoid encirclement to fight another day. Additionally, that Russia by focusing on this area have reallocated alot of their resources from areas which can now be capitalised.


It seems a counter attack last night may have succeeded at least in part and that Russia does not entirely control Soledar. Yet anyway. This of course does not mean that Ukraine is not in the process of withdrawing, just that they claim success in holding out valiently.

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’ Igor Girkin, former commander of Russian militants in Donbas and a prominent milblogger, heavily implied that he would support the removal of Russian President Vladimir Putin from office, his most direct criticism of Putin to date.’

… and severely shortened his life expectancy in the process. :open_mouth:

Doubt he will be killed. Criticism from the Ultra Nationalists is seen as an acceptable evil by Kreml in latter years. They need them. Besides, he is not dangerous and powerful. Kreml chiefly represses liberals and liberal povs and is using the Far Right to cement support for imperialism. Girkin would perhaps be more dangerous to Kreml if killed than alive.

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If what you’re saying is true, then wouldn’t there be a reason now for someone out there to engage in psy-ops by killing him and then shifting the blame to the Kremlin?

Sometimes windows do just fail, right?

Calling for the removal of Putin is a dangerous line, nonetheless. Not many ultranationalists have crossed that one.

I hear there are quality problems with Russian windows…

Well, I don’t know if you have read what he has written, but he categoriczally states that he is strongly against removing the supreme Leader in times of war. As usual, he is unloading on MOD, but states that these failures and corrupt people with kids and wealth abriad have been appointed by the Supreme Leader and that the Supreme Leader is responsible for them. The thing about Girkin is that when he was Minister of Defence for DPR he had several people shot using laws from Stalin era. He wants those who fail shot now that it’s war time. And it irks him that people are not only not shot, but not imprisoned either. he blames soft Putin.

*Political scientist Sergei Markov in his telegram channel in a separate post urged me to restraint and stop “criticism of the supreme commander.” Expressing, at the same time, the hope that my “talents will be used not only as a theoretician.”

Sergei Alexandrovich is far from the first who (publicly and privately) draws my attention to the fact that Putin V.V. should not, in conditions of war, share responsibility for the events taking place with his (he appointed) subordinates. And, accordingly, they should not be criticized for their countless military and economic failures either.

However, I have valid objections:

  • 300 billion dollars of Russian reserves after the start of the NWO were arrested abroad. The head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, who was responsible for the placement, remains in her place to this day (in China, for example, she would have already been shot);

  • heads and responsible persons of intelligence agencies (political and military) of the Russian Federation, who provided the country’s leadership with deliberately false information about the operational situation and the mood of the army / population of the so-called. “Ukraine”, on the basis of which the initially failed (due to the falsity of the indicated data) Special Military Operation was planned - everyone is still in their places, they have not suffered the slightest punishment and continue their successful career;

  • the leadership of the RF Armed Forces, which carried out a number of military operations extremely unsuccessfully and allowed heavy defeats that had no “fatal” reasons in their basis, continues to lead the operation;

  • the leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry, which failed to provide the Armed Forces with a number of types of modern weapons (including those at the disposal of the enemy) and for many years engaged in simulation of combat training of troops instead of real ones - in their places and “does not blow in the mustache”;

  • the leaders of the military industry, who deceived the president and society with fairy tales about “transition to import substitution”, and now are unable to ensure the production of the most necessary types of weapons and equipment - everyone is in their places and flourishing.

  • advisers and representatives of the “inner circle”, hindering the most necessary and “long overripe” mobilization measures in the rear and industry, capable of straightening out the situation on the fronts in the future and ensuring victory. - have not changed for the last fifteen years.

They are all appointed by the president - all these blatantly incompetent, thieving, hedonistic officials with business interests, relatives and property abroad.
And if - despite the visual catastrophes (which are impossible to hide from the educated part of society) and criticism directed at THEM - their replacement (not to mention punishment!) Is not made “from the word at all” - then who else to make claims on the doorstep defeat in WAR?

Answer this question - indicate in our country - who else is to blame for the implementation (and stubborn maintenance contrary to common sense) of the existing personnel policy, which lies at the root of all strategically failed decisions?

I am categorically against both violent and “peaceful” (for example - according to the scheme of Borka the drunk - “I’m tired, I’m a fly-cat”) change of the president and commander-in-chief during the war. Since this will cause new additional problems, and in the first case (“overthrow”), it will immediately lead to a military (and soon civil) catastrophe. But the trouble is that if the president’s personnel policy remains unchanged, then a military defeat, alas, awaits us in any case.

And, by the way, if Mr. Markov is not “waited” either in Kyiv or in The Hague (in the event of our defeat, he is unlikely to be of interest even to liberals who have come to power), then they dream of seeing me there. Of course, less than President Vladimir Putin, but certainly.*

Again, they won’t kill him for this. At the very most arrest him, but I doubt even that. People make too many window jokes. That’s for problematic oligarchs and people with dangerous knowledge.
Tzarists like what Girkin represents are needed and Kremlin will rather seek to molify them.

Poland has decided to send Ukraine a company of Leopard MBT! I hope that’s okayed by Germany and it’s not an attempt to force it, by fucking Germany over diplomatically, forcing them to comply or see further reputational damage (Poland is not allowed to do this without German ok, but they may or may not care and humiliate Germany and so force it, I don’t know). But not my responsibility.

Anyway, Poland is promising now a company of Leopards.

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As for Soledar, extremely heavy fighting rages. Ukraine claims they are not encircled, but Wagner geolocated in areas flanking it, which pretty much confirms operational encirclement. Situation is terrible no matter how you spin it. But maybe it will get better. Ukraine is said to have thrown in large reserves to reverse the situation. But it’s very bad now. Very brutal.

From earlier today (unfortunately that Wagner group they locate has been geolocated to the southern flank of Soledar, so it’s at least surrounded partly and even the Ukrainians admit that their rotations are getting observed and shelled. Fucking shit situation in Soledar.

this is why I suggested yesterday that UA step back from Soledar and figure out what next? instead of laying their troops down in their current positions. make it dangerous for the Russians to enter the town with traps and mines to slow their progress whilst they retreat. blow the entrances to the salt mines to prevent it being a stronghold.

Don’t make it another Mariupol.