Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

Think it’s mostly because RU osint and reporters all say it was wagner so lies don’t work.

and if they don’t get credit for the victory, would Wagner withdraw their troops and leave the Russians to their own devices?

Imagine that, if they just downed tools and told them to fuck off? or worse, a coup and claimed the land for themselves?

Depressing interview. He actually thinks that there can be a diplomatic solution wiithout defeating Russia on the battlefield and admits he does not want Ukraine to win.

greed and russian oil shipments are handcuffing europe?

No, more ideology and blinkers.


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For reading and digestion so that people understand the issues without me pontificating solo, which I am sure gets anoying after a while, as the focus might seem unfair to some at first glance.

He will likely end up being labelled as Vlad the Poo.

They’re just about full on Third Reich by now, complete with slave labor in their factories.

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Seems to be the most fancy version of Iskander, 9M723

The launches has not been detected and they have hit with 0 warning. Note that these hit during the Kalibr and s-300 barrages. Ignore that first poster is talking about BMs as a novelty, the point is that these have been undetected.

Russia has a fine domestic tradition of slave labour, they don’t need to borrow from others.


They all went to the only heated building with a bright green roof to hang out?
Absolute nonsense!

Looks real to me and HIMARS ammo is in short supply so only used for high value targets such as depots or troop concentration. But I agree that the Wagner team7platoon chose a very striking building to set up camp.

I’ve said this for years. Usually, you only get the sexy vids.