Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

thanks for the updates @Magnus

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A thoroughly depressing read. My heart goes out to those front line Ukrainian soldiers. Could it end up being all for nothing? It seems to me that Nato strategy (particularly the USA) has been to use the conflict to see how the russian forces perform. I really think Nato should have called Putinā€™s bluff at the beginning and put boots on the groundā€¦

There is so much to post, but I am a bit tired. Will try to post a long informative post tomorrow. There have been so many developments both political and military, major offensives going on. Obscene amounts of casualties.

Posting snippets in the ME thread about Gaza felt like a vacation, less things going on. I feel overwhelmed posting about this war to the degree I have before, and then in the end, I just donā€™t post or just post a few choice bits from my twitter timeline. If I were to post everything I read or a fraction of the video clips I see from the battlefield, I would not have enough hours in a day if I were to format that into a post and I no one pays me and it feels like very few even reads this thread these days.

Yupp, I am whining. Explaining why I havenā€™t posted in a while. Just tired, itā€™s so time consuming to decide on what is important enough to post on the forum, what not to post (because not all videos are suitable, some are extremely ugly and not all the ugly ones have value as newsworthy and not all articles or tweets are interesting for everyone and it fucking takes hours just to copy paste them onto the forum).
Finishing whining. Now off to bed :slight_smile:


we appreciate your dedication, Magnus. Iā€™ll admit to have dropped off my reading quite a bit in the last few months as other business has taken precedent of my time. I really do need to try and keep up to date but it is just so damned depressing to see this meat grinder keep churning out dead bodies for very little progress.


Reports are that NATO are deploying to Ukraine.

that would be a big development, any reputable links?

they have been doing training and exercises in Latvia for a few months now. one of my friendā€™s sons is over there.

90,000 Canadian troops are currently over there, last I read something on it

Just search NATO on X and they will come up. Also some concerning responses from the Russians this PM which seems to support something is in the offing.

NATO - Search / X

And in between posting that France, have intimated at legitimate targets within Russia.

So the Russians are gaslighting the world pretending this is a NATO pre-emptive strike :laughing:

Just a calming reminder

This must be Phase 2 of the Special Military operation :rofl:

Elements from some NATO countries, such as France, will deploy a few trainers, most likely, to Western Ukraine to free up Ukrainian units. NATO is not deploying to Ukraine, no serious source is reporting that. Iā€™ll get back to this tomorrow. Not enough time now.
(Important to note to avoid misinformation that NATO troops are not the same as NATO deployment and that these soldiers are only deployeed as trainers and that everyone understands that article 5 will not be enacted if they are killed in RU bombardment; imo this is very important to actually note when one writes such revalations as above, as it easily becomes misinformation by mistake).


But just a tiny snippet. This is the big news, not the trainers:

Macron, with diplo speak, has manipulated Scholtz. But I was planning to post a lot about this and much more later.


Started the new employ a few weeks ago, one of my staff is in the Reserves and found out heā€™s being deployed to Latvia at the end of the month. Itā€™s ramping up, not downā€¦


Certainly worth a read.


About the difficulties of not having these valuable jets destroyed by missiles as soon as they arrive in Ukraine.

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Letā€™s hope they fare better than their tanks.

They donā€™t even need to be in Ukraine, if they fly from foreign air bases they will be destroyed there and then. 40-year old airframes to save the day, what next? The West lost the arms race it itself created, well done to our coddled elitesā€¦

Which part of Moscow do you live in Tigger?


In which reality do you live?

Like they occupied Kyiv in 72 hours and destroyed the Patriot sites and western tanks? Oh wait, they havenā€™t.

Older F-16s may not be the answer, but theyā€™re a step in the right direction. Zaharova, Lavrov and the rest of gang wouldnā€™t be crying about them otherwise.

Do you always answer a question with a question?

I live in real reality unfortunately.