Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba was sackedd/resigned today.

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As incendiary bombs? I’m not sure what they were actually doing in that clip.

I’ll show you from a video from a few days ago…
A moment, and I will retrieve it from my twitter.

This is what they are doing. Those tree lines are extremely costly to assault and full of trenches and Russian positions (every tree line at the front is fortified in such a manner)
And another (my apologies for the music, I wish there was none):


It reminds me of the US napalming trees in Vietnam. Horrific really.


The war in the east is going very badly though with rapid Russian advances towards the Ukrianian logistics hub and city of Potrovsk. But some goodd news from there, as UKR recaptured some ground and the Russian juggernought is momentarily halted.

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It very much is. It doesn’t exactly give me a fuzzy feeling. I will note that unlike in Vietnam, there is no urbanisation or villages where this is used and they have only been specifically used to clear tree lines where assault is too costly.
I will note that such a use is legal according to the Geneva Convention (due to clause of “unless it is not feasable to use another weapon” and so on.
War is horrible in any case, either you get mauled by splints, large or small or set on fire by munition explosion, which is completely normal but we don’t “react to”.


Do the Russians use those too ?

Not yet, this is brand new from this week. But Russian use Heavy Flamethrowers and a fuck ton of it…

Such as this:

They injure those who survive in a dreadful manner too…


I think it is the reminder of Vietnam which is quite shocking. I suppose that, unlike there, they are not using Agent Orange. The long term effects of that are unforgivable.

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I very much agree.
I’ll note that it’s a massive difference in incendiaries are used in urban settings (including hamlets) or not. You’ll note that so far, all 3 examples we have of the use of thermite drones are from “smoking out”/“burning” specific fortified tree lines and nothing else. That is rather vastly different to how napalm and Agent Orange was used in Vietnam.


Over to some analysis of some quality (you guys can read the entire threads if I just post nr 1 or should I post them all ? Slightly unsure, Musk has fucked up everything):

Slightly dated (but I haven’t posted for some days and it’s still pretty much accurate for “the now”):

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Ukrainian control in Kursk:

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I suppose you’ve heard about the attack on Poltova that killed so many a couple of days ago. For once, it was a military target, though there was civilian collateral casualties as RU used ballistic missiles.

What are your thoughts on that?

Does not need a caption tbh. I usually never post “emotional stuff”, as I try to stay away from “heartstring propaganda” and post just facts instead, but for once:

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I don’t know. I think in general, 2.5 years into the war, Zelinsky is sacking too many people, not all of whom can be corrupt and/or incompetent. But Yermak is never sacked and he is like the Godfather.
But I cannot say if this was prudent or not, i lack information and context.

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Oh, and the Ukrainians strategically bombed Moscow a few days ago. You may have missed that probably since newspapers don’t really cover much about the war at all:

Moscow was without electricity for a couple of hours and Maria Zakharova looked like she was going to strangle someone as she marched out for tv.
That was the night to 1st september.
Both oil refinery and power plant hit. Very unpolular in Moscow and they threatened with, of course, nuclear strikes and etc.


Ukraine has sent some of it’s better units to the east as reinforcements, shown by geolocation of 93d Mechanised Brigade fighting.