Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

so does that indicate that this is the way ALL prisoners are treated, or are these high value prisoners they were trying to extract information out of, or, are they just random prisoners and the reason the russians release them is a part of some kind of psychological warfare?

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That’s a great question, I’ve never thought about it that way.

It’s probably a bit random depending on which Russian unit are holding them. All prisoners of war are treated badly in Russia or in Ukraine (many are held in Donetsk as well), but some are treated much, much worse. Not all are tortured with electrodes, far from all are castrated. Not all come home looking like they have come from Auscwitz Birkenau, but all come home very thin. All are beaten and interrogated very harshly of course.

His second post is a bit emotional, but understandably so. West is doing far from enough, that much is certain.



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I don’t know what the dither is, just trying to burn off the Russian conventional forces without having escalating to nuclear confrontation?

Or just plain cowardice?

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Missed you, Igor ! I have missed you !

Igor Girkin (AKA Strelkov) resurfaced with a letter from prison and a dire forecast for Russia’s future:

**“Regarding the question of assessments/analysis of the situation - I still receive too little information for reliable “tactical” forecasts. **

“Strategically” everything is bad - if the “bet on Trump” (which in my opinion was a failure from the start, but I do not insist on 100% reliability of my opinion) does not work out - then the next year (or even the end of the current one) will become a very serious test for our country.

I have repeatedly voiced the reasons for this even before my arrest (long before it):

**— the “imitation” style of leadership and state administration led to the fact that “on paper” the Russian Federation looked extremely impressive in all respects (including in terms of military power). **

In reality, a significant part of our power
**(very significant in some places) turned out to be “inflated”. Now the needs of the war far exceed the capabilities of our military-industrial complex, and the war has long ago “eaten up” or is “finishing to eat up” all the reserves of new weapons. **

**The same applies to trained human resources, which for 2.5 years were spent (and are still being spent) as if they were endless and inexhaustible. While the war has already “eaten up” the main “trained”(and relatively painlessly torn away from the economy) human resources without a trace. **

**— the wretchedness (to the point of complete absence) of strategic planning and the lowest quality of tactical planning have already led us to a complete stalemate (both in strategy and tactics), loss of initiative on the level of “amoebic reaction to irritants” — i.e. the military and industrial machines react to problems only at the moment when these problems have already become critically dangerous. **

**— There was no talk of making any long-term forecasts 2.5 years ago, and there is none now (which is not surprising, given the “amazing preservation of old reliable personnel” in all the main VIP positions, except, perhaps, (and only partially) the Ministry of Defense. **

There is either no search for a way out of the stalemate at all (which is logical, since the level of necessary intelligence and competence significantly exceeds that available to the aforementioned VIP officials), or we are simply unable to see it due to the lack of visible results, even preliminary ones.

**— The time to correct the grossest mistakes (which was kindly provided to us by our enemies in the West and the so-called “Ukraine” due to their own incompetence and degradation) was not even “wasted” - it was simply “missed.” **
**And now it is practically gone. **

**The general systemic military-political crisis will very soon turn into a military-economic one. Perhaps following the example of 1917, and the growing fatigue from the senseless and unclear (in terms of goals) war on the part of the population will be added onto it. **

*Without real strategic (and not tactical - carried out according to the principle of Trishkin’s coat, as now) changes and measures - we will face extremely unpleasant consequences, the quantity and quality of which will constantly increase (in terms of negative consequences for the state and the country as a whole). **

**This is all I want/can write for now. **
**With respect, I am waiting for letters and reports, **

I. V. Girkin
09/28/2024, Kirovo-Chepetsk”

*“Trishkin coat” is a fable by Ivan Krylov, which became the basis for the idiom about situations when the solution to a problem creates other additional problems.


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Hope he’s not near any windows

Another day, another filmed field execution. The torture part is clipped out and not shown. Video below:

These are only the ones the Russians films and upload on telegram to their blooddthirsty fans though. Of course there are many, many more:

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