TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

Bumpity bump.

Seven of the sixteen ties are 60-40 or closer; will the Daleks make a storming late run up the rails to spare certain posters from @Mascot ’s wrath?

Voting closes at 17:00 today.

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This is my favourite Dalek…

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Voting has now closed on the round of 32; there were no ties in the end.

The round of 16 draw is as follows:

  • Chewbacca
  • Baloo

0 voters

  • Shere Khan
  • King Kong

0 voters

  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Predator

0 voters

  • The Incredible Hulk
  • The creature from Alien

0 voters

  • Yoda
  • Donald Duck

0 voters

  • ET
  • Quasimodo

0 voters

  • Godzilla
  • Tigger

0 voters

  • Frankenstein’s monster
  • Hellboy

0 voters

As always, I will leave the voting open until next Friday evening. :sunglasses:

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Done :smile:

Monday morning bump.

A couple of close ties at the moment, with Predator v Rocket Raccoon and Godzilla v Tigger both being far tighter than they ought to be, in my opinion at least.

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Tigger giving Godzilla a run for his money :flushed:

Good job it isn’t a real fight. Tigger v Godzilla wouldn’t last too long.

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I voted
Shere Khan

It was my growing up.

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Bumpity bump.

Voting closes at 17:00 today. Still a few close ones as things stand.

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The voting on the last sixteen has now closed; once again there were no ties, so no deciding vote was needed.

The winners have been fed into the random result website and the quarter final draw is as follows:

  • Chewbacca
  • Frankenstein’s monster

0 voters

  • Predator
  • ET

0 voters

  • Yoda
  • Shere Khan

0 voters

  • Tigger
  • The creature from Alien

0 voters

Voting will, as always, be left open for a week.

I expect ET to lose :sob:

It’s getting difficult all my favorites have already gone, I’m hesitating a lot. I mean where’s Donald Duck?

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He lost to Yoda. Get over it.


Yoda v Shere Khan is a tough one. I can’t believe Tigger is losing to a slime bag with halitosis


Boris Johnson isn’t in the vote. :thinking:


Anyone noticed that the first choice is ahead in all four heats? Are voters lazily selecting the first option? I demand a recount! Stop the steal etc etc.


Poor Tigger…

You get over it, O’cynical one!

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I have my kid watching this series. the modern one isn’t too bad either.

Tigger making a comeback!