TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

Pick one!
  • James Bond
  • God

0 voters

Tricky one, this…

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James Bond, phew, no lightning since typing this.

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Which one?

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Which option are you talking about?!

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Both of them :crazy_face:

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Pick one!
  • Moriarty
  • Dale Cooper

0 voters

Another tricky one…

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Moriarty leading?! What the hell is wrong with you, people?!


Oh come on, what can you possibly have against an evil genius.

Who’s agent Cooper :grinning:


Me looking at the other voters.

Pick one!
  • The Joker
  • Travis Bickle

0 voters

Hmmmmmmm… very tricky…

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I now have to go “internet” who that other person is.


Heath Ledger as the joker is the greatest performance I’ve seen.

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Bet now!!!
  • Dr Who
  • Vito Corleone

0 voters

I’ve gone all Banzai there… maybe we should include Mr Cheeky Chappie?

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I raise you Pussy Galore.

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I might previously have voted for Dr. Who.

But after the abomination perpetrated by Chibnall & Whitaker, never.

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Last one…
  • Hannibal Lecter
  • Homer J. Simpson

0 voters

Last one in the last 16…

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Damn, opposite scales, will have to think for a while. Sort of unfair as the one has brought joy over years, and one is joyfully nasty.

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Who are they???