TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

It is wonderful indeed, as is the baptistry nearby. Both were created by Brunelleschi, probably the greatest Renaissance architect, and there were many great ones. Yeah, definitely worth a mention. :+1:t2:

I’ve not seen the Golden Gate bridge, but the Brooklyn bridge in New York brought out a similar emotion out of me when I saw it, also later on pics and in several movies.

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I did almost nomonate the Golden Gate, but went with Brooklyn as I felt it had a better chance.

The Eads bridge which I didn’t nominate made both of the structures possible and in construction terms was the more important and impressive and broke new barriers with the first large scale use of steel, the deepest underwater foundations constructed at the time, built with pioneering caisson technology and included in it’s centre arch the longest rigid span at the time.

The shipping industry forced it to have such large and high dimensions so they could continue to operate and not be ‘ruined’ by the addition of a railway across the Mississippi, but the real intention was to stop the bridge being bulit as everyone thought it was impossible.

It was really a feat of engineering which led the way for construction of the Brooklyn and Golden gate bridges which for me personally are more iconic and have that ‘WOW’ factor (sorry for the use of capitals :roll_eyes:).

Are any of these ‘greater’ than the other nominees? Overall, probably not, but personally I find the stories of their construction and the men who built them to be just as interesting and are some aspects that I consider when making my vote.


Somewhere in this thread there was mention of Stonehenge losing its world heritage status. Just seen that the High Court have quashed plans for the A303 past the site, after the Transport secretary granted a Development Consent Order. The plans included a 2-mile tunnel past Stonehenge.

I’ve driven past Stonehenge a number of times of the last few years, and it’s always a nightmare past there as everyone crawls along. Really annoying when you need to get to places, and something needs to be done. All that said, the proposals were considered to be able to cause “permanent irreversible harm”, and therefore clearly it need re-visiting to ensure harm is minimised.

On a side note, I visited Stonehenge for the fourth or fifth time last September - pisses it down every time!

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Work is continuing… apparently!

Bet you were blown away by Cardiff though :wink:

I was actually in Cardiff the day that Cardiff was playing Swansea in the PL then, that was in 2013. So quite crazy when I went to a sports bar to watch the match. But I was in Cardiff for only a night, I quite like the Cardiff Castle…but being in November, I guess everywhere was quite dull in terms of weather…so I left Cardiff quickly after a night…and went on to the next exciting destination…Swansea.

Pretty standard practice in terms of pushing on with the appointment of contractors via a tendering service - may be an indication of confidence that they can get the scheme approved. Actual work on the ground has stopped and will remain that way until it’s sorted.

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Semi-final time…

  • Taj Mahal
  • So-so Pyramid of Giza

0 voters

  • The Pantheon, Rome
  • Stonehenge

0 voters

Did we have a disparaging name for the Taj Mahal, @Flobs ? :thinking:

The other semi sees the hole face that pile of rocks.

Voting closes same time next week.

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Garden for Frogs will do. :smirk:

Stop the vote! I have decided.


come on no GIF by Shalita Grant

Two voters to date… still at 50/50 :0)

Heap of rocks to romp this, or not. :crazy_face:

That last one is tough. I’m going to think on it…

Seriously?! How can anyone vote for a pyramid over the Taj Mahal.

I despair!

Morning Show GIF by Apple TV

Thing is, if it was just rocks piled into the shape of a pyramid I’d vote for the Taj Mahal. But it’s not, it’s also the antichambers, the tunnels and shafts, the burial chambers, the galleries, the hieroglyphics, the sarcophaguses, the mummied remains of ancient pharaohs, the treasures, the age of it, the mythology, curses etc.


All well and good, but the Taj is just so beautiful.

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Also has a great story behind it

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Taj Mahal is being pummelled…!

So many things are, like Versailles with its 2300 chambers and the pots that are in them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s my 100th try at a reply, some of them included my girlfriends … my polished rock and a poished …:

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the Duomo in Firenze is beautiful, but pales in comparison to the little-known Chapel of Medici in the same city. truly a sight to be seen in person. cameras are banned inside and do it no justice.

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