TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

Lost interest - I didn’t watch the CL final either :wink:

I mean, I don’t want to influence anyone’s vote or anything, but I’d just like to reiterate that those voting for Giza are basically voting for the Qatar World Cup…

Classic Film Judging You GIF

I’m going via small boat to the finish line. It’s a long way away though. It’s a fair row…

Voting has now closed and the Great (it fully deserves that title now, @gasband ) Pyramid of Giza has been crowned the greatest man-made structure by the good people of TAN.

A celebratory (mummified) ham and hardback copy of How To Enjoy The Afterlife are in the post.

Thanks to everyone who participated; ideas are now sought for the next poll. I was going to run with @Kopstar ’s idea of best line in a film, but decided against it as I think a lot of people will be voting for the film rather than the line itself.

Ideas please, folks…


Best line in a song, speech or poem under 10words

@lftikhar wants a ‘best flag’ poll… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Best TAN poster, that might attract extra attention?

Good point HZ… needs to go before the judge in all this…COG
Could expand on the fave TV theme, and opt for favourite/best tv comedy actor…
Trigger or Del Boy for eg.

Now that @1972 has gone your probably right. :rofl:


Best female TV presenter of all time…
Sally James :0)


Re Dioufgates
Is Flobs Hamburger Face or was that Kopstar…! :rofl:

Never heard that before on here! :confused:

Lucky you :smiley:

Since we had a comedy series, let’s have a detective series vote???

Diouf said on here…
he was going to turn someone’s face into a hamburger :joy:

Wasn’t me, at least I don’t think so. :rofl:
Though that does bring back a vague memory.

I had an ok relation with Diouf well at least for me. :rofl:

Face like hamburger :joy:

How about best invention or, even more niche, best accidental/inadvertent invention.

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The answer is The Wire.

Next suggestion?


How about…
Best European Vrs Best American detective series…

I know I know CJ… The Wire :wink: