TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

gets my vote.

Pfffffft. I laugh at your Winged Victory and put forward the Didarganj Yakshi.

I am also going to put forward The Ambassadors by Holbein. I don’t usually put in my own nominations, but these two deserve to be on any shortlist.

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I put forward the sculpture AussieLad by God

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Budda is a god to many in the world.

This is religious discrimination!

You must be what God describes in this Genesis bible verse
“And God made …everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind…”

Shiny metal objet that crps up in the middle of nowhere every now and again.



Famine (top) and Struggle (above) by Zainul Abedin.


I guess that we talk about art as visual arts?

Art is by definition subjective, so we’ll never come to an agreement which art of work is the best. I’ll go with some which I’ve seen personally, and moved me to the core.

Leonardo Da Vinci: The Annunciation (painting, Uffizie in Florence, 217 x 98 cm)

Fra Angelico: The Annunciation (fresco, covent of San Marco in Florence, 230 cm × 297 cm)

Van Gogh: La Nuit étoilée (painting, MOMA in New York, 73 x 92 cm)

Greek sculptures in the Parthenon Museum and the British Museum:

Rembrandt: The Old Man

Vermeer: Woman with a balance

There are so many others, I could go on and on…

I wouldn’t describe these as the greatest but I’ve personally always loved them.
Le fils de l’homme by Magritte
Blue Nude series by Matisse
And Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening by Dali
I’ve also got a print of this hanging at home, which I also like
Galatea of the Spheres

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The Matisse is fantastic.
Always loved Rothko as well.
Picasso, Vermeer , Rembrandt’s use of light, Canaletto’s Venice, Hokusai’s Great Wave, soo many to choose from.

Maybe the best art museum you have visited could be a topic. I’d probably go for the MOMA in New York.

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I liked MOMA and the Guggenheim, Tate Modern and the National Portrait Gallery are good, so is the D’Orsay, but nothing has beaten the Louvre for me, so far. I’d love to visit Uffizi gallery some time.

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Rene Magritte - Ceci n’est pas une pipe (this is not a pipe) - prob won’t even make the first round, but one of my favs. If you’re even in Brussels go check our some of his work.

Rosa Bonheur - Ploughing in the Nivernais - I saw this in Musee D’Orsay (Paris) a few years ago and it blew my mind - largely down the the scale and detail of it. Tthis is one you need to see in the flesh to appreciate;

Left field nomination - Banksy - Love is in the air - Banksy did this piece in Jerusalem on the West bank barrier wall that separates Israel from its occupied territories.


Do it, you’ll be blown away. :+1:t2:


Yeah, I nearly put in a Banksy or two. Absolutely love his stuff.

There’s Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe collage which I also love. Dogs playing cards, another favourite even if not ‘great art’.

I nearly bought this a few years ago.


It’s by Fabian Perez. Love his stuff, check it out

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Agreed - we went specifically to see The Birth of Venus (Sandro Botticelli) - but the whole place was amazing.

Whilst on Florence - Michelangelo’s David (Accademia Gallery) - never have I spent so long staring at cock and balls - they were magnificent.


Not even your own? :thinking:

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Rijks museum and Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam are very good. Tates (plural) are great.

Louvre of course, but so big you need a week.

Never been but would one day like to visit the one in St. Petersburg

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I really enjoyed it a couple of years ago, until about half way through when the brownies kicked in :sweat_smile:



As far as Magritte goes, I’ve always loved this

The Empire of Light