TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

I’m curious to know your picks.

Maybe you have not seen me but…

bikini dancing GIF

Voting on the first round has closed. All ties were decided by my deciding vote.

Here’s the usual sneak preview while I type up the second round:

  • Blair Witch
  • The Fly

0 voters

  • The Ring (Japanese)
  • Mulholland Drive

0 voters

  • Candyman
  • Jaws

0 voters

  • The Exorcist
  • Poltergeist

0 voters

  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  • Midsommar

0 voters

  • The Hunger
  • Deliverance

0 voters

  • Psycho
  • The Conjuring

0 voters

  • A Chinese Ghost Story
  • A Nightmare On Elm Street

0 voters

  • Rosemary’s Baby
  • Nosferatu

0 voters

  • The VVitch
  • The Shining

0 voters

  • Hellraiser
  • The Omen

0 voters

  • Alien
  • Evil Dead

0 voters

  • Friday The 13th (original)
  • A Clockwork Orange

0 voters

  • Dog Soldiers
  • Dogville

0 voters

  • The Mist
  • The Thing

0 voters

  • Dark Water (Japanese)
  • Jacob’s Ladder

0 voters

Voting closes at the same time next Saturday.

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Couple of tough choices in there again.

Vote for Rosemary’s Baby. You know it makes sense!

Ok, not part of the voting but there is a new horror channel over here that just announced it’s premier of an old German horror called Possession staring Sam Neil. It’s attracted a lot of attention after Del Torro responded calling it the best horror movie ever. Anyone ever seen it?

It’s quite slow, trippy and weird and has a very ambiguous ending but it’s a horror classic and I suggest you watch it. My brain, which always tries to make sense of things, wasn’t able to make sense out of certain “appearances” in that film but I think I was able to grasp the overarching metaphor.

I like Sam Neill as an actor very, very much. I’m kind of disappointed that most people know him only through Jurassic Park when he’s put in some amazing performances in horror genre.


Although it wasn’t a horror film…
Thought he was good in Rich Man Poor Man

Voting on the round of 32 has now closed. No ties this week, so my deciding vote was not required.

Here’s the usual sneak preview while I type up the round of 16:

  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  • Hellraiser

0 voters

  • The Ring (Japanese)
  • Friday The 13th (original)

0 voters

  • Rosemary’s Baby
  • Deliverance

0 voters

  • Dog Soldiers
  • The Exorcist

0 voters

  • Jaws
  • Psycho

0 voters

  • Dark Water (Japanese)
  • The Thing

0 voters

  • The Fly
  • A Nightmare On Elm Street

0 voters

  • Alien
  • The Shining

0 voters

Voting will close at the same time next Saturday.

I heard there’s a curse on everyone who votes against Carpenter’s films. Just passing on the info…

Good job that one isn’t on the list, then! :grin:

I voted (brilliantly by the way).

Hate horror movies and have no idea what people see in them.

My top 3 Horrors

1, Liverpool v Arsenal 1989

2, Liverpool v Wimbledon FA cup final 1988

3, Stoke City v Liverpool 2015


All worthy contenders, but how can you leave out Woy’s 6 month spell as Liverpool manager?

That would be a series, not a movie :innocent:

Speaking on CinemaBlend’s ReelBlend podcast last year, Tarantino said: “I think Jaws is the greatest movie ever made. Maybe not the greatest film. But it’s the greatest movie ever made. And then there are other movies that can get in its rarefied air. But as far as a movie, there’s no making it better than Jaws. There’s no ‘better’ than Jaws. It is the best movie ever made.”

Just saying… As for best horror :man_shrugging:

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might not be ‘the best’ but I would say it is definitely the most impactful.

Think of how many people are, still 47 years later, there are people scared to go in the water at the beach. There can’t be too many other films that have had such a lasting impact

I remember holidaying in St Ives, Cornwall about 10yrs after the film first come out… Went out on a paddle board into the sea within the roped off area that stretched out about 500mtrs.
Next minute, big Fuck Off sharks fin about 6inches above the water glides past me… To say I would have won a gold medal in a paddling race all the way back to shore is the biggest understatement ever…! Didn’t stop paddling like crazy until I hit the sand dunes which were about 200mtrs from the water line…
Can’t remember now if I had rolled up a pair of woolly walking socks to shove down the front of my ‘lady impressing’ Speedo’s that day or not… but when I stepped off that paddling board that day, it certainly looked like I had rolled up a ‘lumpy’ second pair and shoved them down the back of my Speedo’s… but obviously I hadn’t - if you know what I mean.!! Eeeek
After dragging the board for about a mile across the sand with bluebottles following my every step, taking it all the way back to the guy so as to get my deposit back… and being a bit embarrassed to mention my encounter as such… The guy pipes up and says…
“Did ya see any Dolphins while you were out there… plenty of them in the bay today”
To this day can’t believe I gave up the chance to swim with a dolphin all because that JAWS film gave me a terrible flashback.! :0)



I remember in the early - mid 90’s when I was around 12 or 13 on the Gold Coast, my older brother and a few of his mates one summer holiday decided to allow me to join them going to the beach and tried to teach me how to surf. About 15-20 minutes in as we were all out waiting for a new set to come in and I suddenly felt something brush against my leg.

My brother’s best mate how we had known for probably 10 years noticed me look down and asked what I was doing so I told him I felt a large fish hit my leg, he mentioned that the local council had recently decided to take the shark nets out so it could have been a shark. Needless to say, I think it was the first and only time anyone has managed to surf into shore when there were no waves.

when I was swimming around the breaks at Byron, we went out to the wreck to check it out before body surfing a break on the way in.

Nothing really prepares you for seeing a shark when you’re swimming. But there were a few swimming around there. My friend whom lives in Sydney managed to talk me out of a minor panic attack…


Billy Connolly has a story about Jaws from one of his live shows from the 80s. Billy and Albert is the show.