TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

A gross generalisation that reeks of stigma.

Looks like there is a ‘New Kid In Town’

Hotel California is romping home this round



10 short bullet points is too long for you to read ?

Yeah , whatever.



Too yucky didn’t read

People need to be reminded of just how disgusting some of the unchallengeable facts that were revealed in that case were , particularly if they still want to go on defending that pervert.

Yeah, I know.

I’m not even trying to have a go at people on here specifically. My missus defends him too , although she does so from a standpoint that because he was so fucked up by fame at such an early age that this somehow exculpates him. It does my head in tbh.

Yeah, still true.

I don’t know. I do know a top line music manager who swears he was odd but not a peado. I don’t know the facts. I’m not defending him. He wrote and performed brilliant music.

holy fuck, eh?


Actually no.

There is no clinical evidence linking genius with insanity.
Its just another throw away line to make ‘ordinary’ people feel better about geniuses.
Denigrate them with a perceived flaw or failure.
Its society using mental illness to cover an area of excellence that is hard to understand.

“How did Bowie write those songs?”
“Genius, but borderline insane.”
Lazy, stigmatising nonsense.

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He was genius, wacko and Paedo. Good riddance won’t get my vote or Spotify listen.

I think a work of genius is probably more to the point , we all have our moments.

As far as Jackson is concerned , his genius was getting Quincy Jones to write his songs , and becoming a marketing phenomenom by jumping on the MTV bandwagon.

What did MJ do? Did he write the lyrics?

Prince was far more of a genius.

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He wrote lyrics but he couldn’t read music.

Genius on the dance floor - like me after 10 beers

It is a bit tricky, because there’s a y sound after the m, which you might not expect if you were used to phonetic spelling systems, and the s is more like a z sound, which, again, could confuse. However, to qualify as a genius you probably shouldn’t be bamboozled by a single word, especially if that word describes the business you are in. I bet Einstein could read physics for example.

End of the voting road for me, might vote for one that get’s through but unsure. It’s far from greatest.
I had fun up until now as there were a few worthwhile ones. Just seems so sad!

The quarter finals have now closed. The Doors edged Marvin Gaye in a photo finish, so my deciding vote was not required. Here are the semi finals:

  • Ziggy Stardust- David Bowie
  • The Doors- The Doors

0 voters

  • London Calling- The Clash
  • Hotel California- The Eagles

0 voters

Voting will close at the same time next Sunday.