TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

Just realized I forgot my 2nd nomination.

I’m surprised no one has yet mentioned Apollo 13, the visuals of the oxygen tank exploding and taking out a chunk of the spacecraft and the shots of earth from space were fantastic

Anyone nominated The Hunt for Red October yet… Just asking is all :0)

Sound of music and Quadrophenia.

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Done n dusted…bit of a blonde moment​:blonde_woman::blonde_woman::blonde_woman:or did u mean​:mask::v:

Animation movies included ?

I’d say Into the spiderverse

And probably any of the LOTR films

Days of Heaven should probably get a mention.

Néstor Almendros was good enough to convince people Malick had anything interesting to say after Badlands.

Deliverance is beautiful, too. Vilmos Zsigmond. it’s like a Bob Ross painting but there’s all kinds of nastiness nestled behind the trees.

So yeah , the return of the king.

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Has Avatar been nominated? Shite film but visually stunning.

Argh how dare you lump me with nominating that, when I can think of a good few others which are also stunning visually (to me) but also far better movies.

Nervous Ted Striker GIF by filmeditor

And no Airplane is not a nomination by me

Anyone mentioned Lawrence of Arabia? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? Apocalypse Now? Fitzcarraldo?

The shining has to be in there, if not already nominated, I would put that in … will have a think about a second choice…

Apocalypse Now is a great shout!

Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049.


Do we really need all three LotR films?

Alrady nominated 2, but if you’re desperate and willing to accept more than 2, I would like to throw into the ring The Perfect Storm.

the good the bad and the ugly

crouching tiger if the mention of Hero already has it nominated


Thought of a second one, in addition to The Shining -

Michael Mann’s Heat - aside from the shooting scene in the street outside the bank, generally throughout the whole film it is incredible, the dulled colours, the framing … everything is just visionally stunning!

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agreed, one is more than enough!

Here’s the usual sneak preview…

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