There really ought to be some better female characters but I’m drawing a blank…that’s…shameful. Miss Marple about the best I can do…Elizabeth Bennett…I mean, that’s rubbish.
Dale Cooper (if I really had to pick one Twin Peaks character - you could fill out this whole thread just by naming the whole cast)
Frank Pembleton and Tim Bayliss (likewise but these two are still something else)
Hannibal Lecter
William Somerset
Rust Cohle and Marty Hart
Jim Raynor
He actually literally is, mate. Not his real name, and there are rumors about that he’s actually a Forest fan, and just does the Goldbridge thing for clicks/likes/views/cash.
What impressed me about Somerset is that he’s the embodiment of the good side of society - unwillingly helping but recognising that evil is prevalent because all the good men do nothing. It struck a chord with me, while I found John Doe an elaborate, evil idealist who doesn’t stray from his principles - still a mightily strong character but didn’t resonate with me like Somerset (or Hannibal Lecter, who’s probably a much better comparison for someone like John Doe).
I’ll close them in a week’s time, then we’ll move onto the quarter finals.
Thanks for all your suggestions; I’m sorry that I couldn’t include them all but I’ll try to include more of them if we have another game after this one ends.
Cohle and Hart are lead detectives from True Detective season 1. I assumed you watched it - if you didn’t, please do it, I think I have at least a tiny bit of credit with you!
Jim Raynor and Tassadar are main characters from StarCraft. I know you’re primarily an RPG fan and these two would have been worthy of an RPG, especially Tassadar. The kid in me fell in love with them twenty years ago and the fire still burns.