The Central Midfield Thread

We were in for a CDM this term only for him to choose Real

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Fabinho will have more legs in him and heā€™s younger.

The point is that we havenā€™t replaced Gini and Lallana. Thiago probably can be argued as a Gini replacement but he doesnā€™t have the injury free nature that Gini gave.

And I know that people will point to Curtis Jones as a Lallana replacement but he isnā€™t there yet.

Diaz also has played on the left side of a midfield three. But then we would ideally also need Jota back from injury.

so hereā€™s a test.

Would you sign a midfielder now, if it means losing the opportunity to sign Bellingham next summer?

yes or no answers only.



What I do know is that the club donā€™t spend the money without being absolutely sure that the player is the right one. They go deep on personality and character, and they get a lot of background before they will pull the trigger. They donā€™t sign dickheads.

The club clearly didnā€™t think there was anyone available who could improve on what they already had. I think they have earned the right to be trusted on that.


My answer - No.

Also Kloppā€™s answer - No.

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Depends on the midfielder surely?

I guess I look at the midfield problem we currently have a little bit like the central defence problem we had previously (where we waited to sign Konate and signed Kabak/Davies as stop gaps and used Williams and Phillips). The drop off in quality from Van Dijk, Matip and Gomez to Williams and Phillips is huge, whereas the drop off from Thiago to Jones/Elliot and/or Carvalho is certainly nowhere near as big.

A lot is being looked at this issue like we couldnā€™t potentially change our formation, run 2 holding midfielders and put another attacker on the pitch. Nunez is a proper no.9 so this shift should be easy. This means our percieved depth problem doesnā€™t exist at all and you then have Fabinho, Henderson, Keita (who is fit), Elliot and Milner as options, with Jones returning soon. Carvalho gets chances up front.

Personally I think a big part of this ā€œproblemā€ is being blown out or proportion because we were utterly dog turd on Saturday with our midfield being the smelliest part of said dog turdā€¦ Henderson and Fabinho now need to step the fuck up and play better, they get paired/rotated with Keita, Elliot, Milner and Jones when fit and I donā€™t see a problem.


The overall performance was poor on saturday but we drew the fucking game!

It feels like all the bickering over Boris has dried up now and some need a new ā€˜crisisā€™ to concentrate on.

I wonder what next weeks crisis will be after we smash palace?

A clear no from me.

Incidentally, when Klopp was asked about signing a midfielder by Neil Atkinson of the Anfield Wrap, he got quite pissed off. I think he is getting by increasing exasperated by the constant thirst for signings. He response was that they would a) need to be someone available they want to sign, and b) a gap in the squad - and neither of those exist. He went on to say that Elliott, Jones and Carvalho need minutes. He also really bigged up Morton. Like, really bigged him up.

I suspect had Tchoumeni signed, we would have bid farewell to Milner, had a much more concerted effort to sell Ox and Keita, and transitioned Henderson into more of a bit part player. As it is, he didnā€™t sign and we go again with what we have. Next season it will be Bellingham in, Milner and Ox, and possibly Keita, out, and we go with Fab, Thiago, Hendo, Jude, Elliott, Jones and Carvalho.

I also firmly believe that after the World Cup Harvey Elliott will have established himself as a first team first pick, and heā€™ll get his first England Cap before the end of the season. Anyone saying heā€™s just a kid and shouldnā€™t be starting games is going to look very silly by the end of the season.

Carvalho isnā€™t going to be far behind him either.


Anyone who remembers my thesis on defending when we had lovren can clyne and moreno/milner playing for us - all that nonsense in that TIA thread on defending :joy: ā€¦ Klopp fixed all that without listening to any of us.

We should learn from experience but apparently we donā€™t :rofl:


it was a yes/no answer and you didnā€™t even respect that. I didnā€™t read the rest.


Who can remember Utd under Ferguson being told every season they desperately needed a midfielder? Ferguson would go and buy a forward and win the fucking league. Went on for years.

I can laugh but oh the fucking painā€¦ all that painā€¦ klopp finally soothed that for me.

Yeah, but we arenā€™t winning the league every year, are we?

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well make a thread demanding we buy a new forward?


Learn to write an intelligent question then. Imagine asking for a binary response to a question that has hundreds of factors involvedā€¦ Then being a sarcastic knob after.

No need to be an arse is there?