The Central Midfield Thread

Are you talking to yourself as you write :laughing:
Why donā€™t think and then write, instead of writing while you think? Itā€™d be shorter.

This has been mooted and suggested from very early on in Kloppā€™s tenure here and Iā€™m not sure what itā€™ll take for people to realise his preference is 4-3-3 and thatā€™s the formation heā€™ll build around.

Yes, on occasion weā€™ll switch to a 4-2-3-1 of a 4-2-2-2. Itā€™s a horses for courses change or a mid-game alteration but 4-3-3 is what he wants to play. When it comes to squad building, weā€™re a team that is built in the vision of 4-3-3 and thereā€™s little to suggest that is changing any time soon.

Player xyz might be more of a 10 in the eyes of most or perhaps plays a different role for their current club but you can be pretty sure Klopp is judging them based on how he envisages them fitting a 4-3-3. Elliott is case in point. Carvalho almost certainly looked at as a wide left forward.

If weā€™re linked with midfielders, irrespective of their current role weā€™ll be looking at how they might function as a 6 or an 8.


The #10 is the most difficult position, in Kloppā€™s own words. Although of course, he probably meant the position in his teams. We donā€™t play with one since 2016, only sometimes when we flip the structure. We replaced the single #10 with a false #9, with Bobbyā€™s switch in the summer of 2016. Now, since last summer we have a record transfer #9 (Nunez) and someone who could be a decent false #9 (Gakpo) if we need it. Gonna be hard for one of the younger players to get to that level in coming years, to become a starting single #10. To be part of commanding a switch of the main formation. Now, the main thing is to give the midfield some new quality and find out whatā€™s our best combination in attack. How can we pull the most out of Salah and Nunez when theyā€™re both on the pitch. When Salah leaves, if Klopp is still here, then I think we might change our regular structure. But that will also depend on other players who remain.

The formation is not the problem, us not doing our principles is.


It seems that way, but didnā€™t he play a 4231/4411 at Dortmund?

Yep, at Dortmund his primary formation was 4-2-3-1 and at Mainz I think he mainly used 4-4-2

Yes. And used it here a lot early on. He has spoken candidly about the shift was done to accommodate his forwards (phil and Mo). The positions they liked to take up meant they tended to already be quite central when we lost the ball and so he felt we got back into pressing shape better when starting with a front 3 rather than 4.

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The 433 still works, we just donā€™t have good enough players.


Fucking injuries.

So Mount replaces Keita as the Between the boxes player, Bellingham is the Box-to-box and Caicedo is the Screener. Sorted.

Fabinho is the conundrum. Does Klopp sell him and buy a replacement or does he give him another season with a more mobile midfield to see if he can regain some form?

Klopp doesnt seem to push players out, so the question may be more pertinent for Fabinho to consider whether he wants to stay and fight for his place with the risk of not getting much game time or if he thinks a fresh start elsewhere would be preferable.

Rebecca got very annoyed recently about stories Fabinho would be sold.

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Funny, I spoke about that a few weeks ago. We almost ended up with Fekir as well. Our plan in 2018 (and already having Keita sealed since 2017) was huge, a total midfield revamp. Maybe this time we want the same, but not having the situation as at that time.


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If only she were as annoyed by flagrant fascism as she is by the back page rumours.


Klopp wonā€™t bomb Fabinho out. Just not his style.

I think next season its still Fabinho in the 6, with Klopp backing a better supporting cast to improve him.

Hendersonā€™s role wonā€™t be as a starter anymore but heā€™ll be an option at both 6 and RCM.

New signing at RCM, perhaps Bellingham. Elliott to primary backup in that role.

LCM will be Thiago and a new signing, I guess Mount as it stands but hopefully someone better. If Mount then he can also be an option further forward.

Bajcetic and Jones round out the options and provide depth.


We are in big trouble if theyā€™ve watched this season and still think having Fabinho as the 6 with Henderson as his primary back up is good enough to get this team competing at the top of the table again.

Its not what I would do but I think its what Klopp will do.


hole deep GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski