The European Union

It’s been an issue since Thatcher’s days and probably before.


I have a problem with any poverty line definition that’s based on median wealth. If we are going to try to define poverty, then stick with the dictionary which is to lack the income to meet ‘basic human needs’.

But then how do you account for people that only slip below the poverty line because of their addictions to cigarettes/alcohol/drugs/gambling/ general spending? If we are using poverty figures for anything other than as a headline statistic, then the solution to solving money issues isn’t always to just throw more money at the problem.


I could see that being the “older generation” still remembering the war. We’re now into something different I feel.

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The older generation thankfully passed on a story or two about the war. As they should have. What’s the line about learning from the mistakes of history?

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That Euroscepticism has always been present in both parties, since the beginning of the question. In 1975, the majority of the Labour Party membership voted against British membership.


yes I could well see that. I take my own father as a case in point.

The level of mistrust towards Germany (in particular) has taken a long time to subside. Still some left but I think we’re seeing something different now. This time it seems to be more directed towards the EU as a block

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Take it he hasn’t watched any international football for five decades?


I don’t need to suggest an alternative. I just think capitalism needs rethinking. My objection is to the ultra-aggressive, neo-liberal variant of capitalism in which everything is for sale and fuck anyone left behind. This hasn’t always been the case, and neo-liberalism only became a thing in the late 20th century.

Socialism works for things that socialism works for. Capalism works for things that capitalism works for. A mixed economy is the way to go, with a functional safety net for those who get into difficulty.


Thanks for posting that. Just shows what a lot of greedy, devious hypocrites there are around.


I have to apologise again but I have only just seen this reply to my post. The style of your answer seems to suggest that I am illiterate and poorly educated. It really is very sad that you should be so upset by the opinions of someone of that level. Not to worry , water off a ducks back to me. I was always taught that the opinions of people you have no respect for should not bother you.

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Any ‘pure’ economic or political system is poison. Ideology taken out of context, what could ever go wrong, eh?

Any viable system is a mix between capitalism and socialism, with newer, crucial social topics now thrown in, like ecology, gender issues, feminism etc.

For me, the Scandinavian model (say, today’s Finland) is the most accomplished and finely balanced model. Far from perfect, but the furthest ahead in terms of social equality, good education for everyone, and being able to respond to concrete problems and questions for its population. Business and general prosperity don’t suffer from this model at all. The only losers are those who want to walk over corpses in order to enrich themselves.


I am not disputing that neoliberalism is causing stagnant or falling living standards, sharply rising inequality of income and wealth, financial fragility and environmental breakdown (and I wasn’t attempting to set a trap). I was simply looking for your views on what should be changed, and the means of bringing about that change. has suggested the Scandanavian economies, with Finland in particular, as an example, or model of capitalism we should perhaps be aiming for.

Do you concur?

The Finland model is, and this is not a criticism, a convenience of their isolationism. One of the worlds most famous neutral States. So it can work there; Im just not sure it translates to the meddlers, tinkerers and subversion of which we are a part.

The answer for me, and I appreciate the change would smack like a bitch, is a living wage and an obligation to work; but with no economy per se. A task based world where making money is no longer the centerpiece of our minds, and work is just done because it is necessary. Then focus can be on science and arts, humanities and peace. I respect this causes a massive labour organisation problem. But its almost as if, not everything we cast off from the caveman, should rightly have been.


I talked about the role of the German Constitutional Court in defence of German sovereignty against ever expanding EU competencies on TIA.

This is again topical.

And this is a fairly typical reaction of an EUrophile

These are matters that are quickly coming to a head and are borne out of the EU recovery fund for economic recovery from the pandemic. It’s going to need huge amounts of fiscal stimulus and, it has been suggested, is one of the reasons why the Commission were so focused on price when it came to procuring vaccines (because the recovery scheme was already going to need so much funding).

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I’m sure the timing of this is entirely coincidental just as the EU goes rogue and starts ignoring contractual and property law.

I predicted at the time this bribe to Ireland to get them to vote for the Lisbon Treaty wouldn’t last…

And it hasn’t…

I don’t like the title of this thread.

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What would you prefer?

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The European Union