The Great TANdabidozi Pub Quiz

Cherubs wear undies?

Err you might need to reflect a bit longer.

Yeah, I know it’s something about the mirror, but my answer is obviously correct too.

Her arse is better looking than her face.

I’ve met a few girls like that

Mirror is not showing her ear

Nope…but definitely to do with the reflection. Think about it…

Left it a little while as I do know this one. She’s looking at the painter, not herself.

The phrase “Crossing the Rubicon” is an idiom for going too far, past the point of no return. But who was the first to do it and what did the person actually do?

Maybe but not the explanation I read.

More the fact that you would not both be able to see her reflection…if we as the viewer can see her then she can’t… all about the angles… I even tested it by getting my wife to hold a mirror :rofl:

Yes, I get the point, it’s setup to show her reflection whilst she can’t see herself.

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During the Roman republic it was not permitted for a general to bring his army into the homeland i.e. the Italian peninsula. Caesar crossing the Rubicon River into Italy began the civil war that resulted in him seizing power.


You’re up :slight_smile:

“Viennoiserie” refers to a collection of baked goods literally “in the style of Vienna”; of these, how did the danish get its name?

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When I was a kid there was a local bread shop known as the Danish bakery…I used to wonder why that was when the staff were all scousers…:thinking:

They certainly didn’t sell danish pastries. I seem to recall that a “danish” in those days was a type of unsliced white loaf.

I think I know this, one of those half-memories from years ago.

Is it because of Danish bakers working in Vienna, or something similar? They’re made using yeast innit?

You’re close, but not quite there. I’ll give everyone else a bit more time to see if someone has the missing details before I award it to you.

What about Viennese bakers working in Denmark?

Yes, according to legend there was a mass baker strike in Denmark and Austrian bakers were brought in (scabs!) to replace them. Of course they brought their specialties with them, and they were tweaked according to Danish tastes into the pastry we enjoy today.

Whoever wants to ask the next question, go ahead!


You’re up!!

what was the original defined size of a football pitch, as per the first meeting of the Football Association in 1863.

no cheating here.