The Inequality Thread

Does it not mean coming from the other direction?
Weather you are on 10,15 or 20k,if basic income should be 25k then you’ll be brought up the difference.

That’s sort of the point. Regardless of income means you also de-stigmatise poverty.

Anyway, if you are going to test the idea, test it properly.

Presumably, if it is true then that gets picked up in the tax system minimising the cost of work up front to means test it.


I’m not a big fan of giving money. I think state/government should invest that money in projects like healthcare, education, transport, housing, job creation etc. Inequality rises and exists when people don’t have necessary access to such facilities.

Even if you give someone an extra thousand bucks, if there isn’t any affordable housing scheme, they aren’t going to have a better house.

I wonder why inequality persists. Is it inherent to humans - possibly all life? As far as humans are concerned, there have been so many systems and most have offered a brighter more equal future… it seems all have failed.

Schemes like Universal Income can address some issues but probably not all of them, and I expect most of its supporters would call for support in other areas too (depending on the size of the income proposed).

I’m sorry, but perhaps it’s how the tweet has been written, but I’ve now imagined that this means that the new director of Goldman Sachs has forced some of the male directors to undergo a sex change!

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Give them hope of ideological equality so that they dont notice the wealth inequality.

Because I want more than they do, they want more than I have and the that bloke over there has more than both of us squared. Do we not all at our base level want the best possible life / future for our family? Look at nature, animals will kill for their young, they’ll do anything out of instinct. They’ll take food from others to feed their own young.

We’re no different.


But. Are we not higher? More evolved. Different some how?

Speak for yourself. :wink:

Not demonstrably no.


If anything, we’re worse.

An animal won’t blatantly lie to your face.

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Big news and, respectfully, a victory for common sense.

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Yeah saw this earlier. No big surprise really: the poor and the middle classes get screwed while the billionaires get away with far lower taxes. It’s disgusting.

At least, there are efforts currently undertaken to impose a 15% tax on multinational companies, wherever they are located. That would be a good first step, but these guys really need to be taken to task too. Them getting away like that while 99,9% of common people have to pay far higher taxes is totally wrong, on all records.


I was so pissed when Barack Obama bailed out the banks with billions of dollars of public money.

All those bankers messed up, screwed millions of people, and walked away with millions in severance payments.


And not a single prosecution.

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w/o googling, have a guess at the average reading age in the UK… to say I was shocked would be somewhat of an understatement. I cannot fathom why this should be the case in a 1st world country!