The Middle East Thread

You have read the definition of a genocide. So, how are you still split? It’s crystal clear. Or, if you don’t accept the above-mentioned definition, what is yours then?

I saw dozens of posts and thought that there has been a breakthrough (for good or for worse). :man_facepalming:

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It’s counterproductive to call a genocide a genocide because those committing the genocide don’t like it being described as that.

Fuck me.

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Haaretz; on the change in Israeli policy in the West Bank…

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And eventually , and inevitably , they will soon enough have Hamas in their midst. Cool strategy Bibi.

And in a link on that page…

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Was about to post that. So, for those who won’t click on the link, what is unusual about that image?


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Is he going to stop just there?

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A fascinating conversation between an Israeli and a Palestinian:

It’s quite long, but we’ll worth a read.


I’ve been reading the book “the jew is not my enemy” by Tarek Fatah(A Pakistani Canadian). This was by Fatah before he became a virtual shill for the Indian establishment against Pakistan.

He spoke about the anti semitism fuelling the Arab and Muslim communities , the history behind it , the links with the Nazis and also doesnt spare Israel and how their behaviour isn’t helping at all.

Also doesnt spare Israel and their attitude towards Palestine.

Some of what is mentioned in that interview has been mentioned in the book as well.

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The Jewish Chronicle is akin to Fox News. Not surprised at all

I invoke the @cynicaloldgit fundamental axiom of the universe.

He’s not the only one with that world view.

If it can be proved that Netanyahu was deliberately feeding them disinformation to bolster his case for avoiding a ceasefire then that should be a very serious matter.

You’d think rather well-substantiated bribery allegations were serious enough to begin with…