The Middle East Thread

Sure, lots of open land in the Sinai alone. Desert, some of the most inhospitable land on the planet on that peninsula, with Egyptians using the parts that aren’t. Egypt already has a huge population relative to its arable land with water.

I think he has a very good point, when he points the finger (imo these people should get much more flak than they currently do) to those Arab Americans who argued vehemently that voting for Trump was the lesser evil compared to Harris. They did so out of egoism and personal “purity” and fuck those people.

No previous US administration has been anywhere close to supporting of this. Not even remotely. So yes, Trump is not worse than Harris or Biden, but far worse, different category, worse. And that is the point. That there is no real equivalence and that it was important to vote against Trump but too few did so. I for one, blame those voters. They had clear choices.

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The first paragraph is what Trump is thinking.

As far as the second paragraph goes , I’m really fucking Ambivalent there. Not that it means excusing the war criminals and the genocidal pieces of shit that Israel are.

But what is the fucking end reality here ?

We can’t wish Israel out of existence.

As much as it would be sticking in my throat.

Take the losses , and move on.

This is the modern world where might makes right.

Bear in mind that they already get billions of foreign aid, and that aid appears to be frozen at present. A very large portion of that aid (basically a bribe for peace with Israel) is administered by the now-frozen USAID

edit: wow - I just went to check which agencies fund Egypt on the website, and it doesn’t work anymore. It is really just military/law enforcement, USAID and the Egyptian American Enterprise Fund, no idea now of the balance

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Did it matter? The Trump victory was pretty comprehensive.

The Egyptians and Jordanians ruling elites must be feeling very content for their decades of sucking up to Israel and its sponsors.

In Michigan, it was 80k votes. Dearborn is in Wayne County. Harris polled about 9k fewer than Biden 4 years ago, but won it pretty handily nonetheless. There were without a doubt useful idiots from the Arab community crowing in triumph in November, but on balance I think we can just go ahead and blame the white dudes.


Trump won 312-226 electoral votes. He also got more than two million votes more than Kamala. Hence my point that the Michigan votes didn’t matter.

Sure, but they didn’t even swing Michigan.

I would counter by saying you cannot judge the electoral impact of an issue like this just from the votes received in that a specific demo. And I say that without implying blame for the result on uncommitted and similar protest movements.


You’ve no idea of people’s motivations but don’t let it stop you judging from afar.

Can’t be arsed explaining it. Read Jeff Halper’s Facebook post that I posted above if you can. Sorry I can’t find another link for it

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No one will be leaving, so thousands more will be massacred.


I think that a lot of civilians would like to leave now. But which country will let them in? Nobody is willing to. So, they’ll further stay put in their heap of rubble. Hopefully they’ll at least be able to receive further humanitarian help, and that the fascists won’t cut it off again.

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Maybe the brutality of the last 12 months might make that true. Maybe that os the point. But this has not really been the case historically. This is their home. For families who were forcibly removed during the original nakba, the key to their old home is often their most cherished heirloom.

Even if you move them they are not going to emotionally move on.


Of course, and I still hope that a solution will be found so that they can stay at home. But look at the state of it all… Israel has transformed everything there in a scene of nightmares.

Even if a lot do leave, there will still be a lot of the over 2 million left. Israel wants Gaza cleansed down to the last Palestinian :palestinian_territories:.

BTW, I heard Netanyahu has asked his pal MBZ :saudi_arabia: to accept the Palestinians.


Nah. They’ll require some people for labour etc etc. Who’s going to send them the manpower to build Trump’s sea front real estate project

95% will get out from there though. The other 5% or sk.will be thoroughly vetted and made to work from labour camps with very tight security.

The question is rather where do they go ?

Egypt will blink first. Trump’s development in Gaza (if it does come to fruition) would involve a US military presence there. It’s one thing for Egypt and the other Arab countries to band together against Israel. It’s a totally different thing when there’s a US base and US troops there in Gaza.