The Music Thread

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Give that man a cigar…!
Hope he is actually playing that thing and not blagging us :flushed:

Can we get some nominations for the worst song ever recorded? By this I mean a song that is genuinely supposed to be an attempt at songwriting / musicianship but is an absolute failure. So no Birdy song or Agafuckindo.

Heres 2 nominations

Takes the word “shite” to another level

And if you have ever left a cake out in the rain. WT Actual F?

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Macarthur Park is a classic. Not only has it been referenced in The Simpsons, but it also made it into one of my match reviews.


I’d say Starship’s is probably the best song ever recorded.

Worst would perhaps be the Grenfell tower version of Bridge over troubled water or that one about the parking lot.

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You’re surely not referring to Joni Mitchel - Big Yellow Taxi???

Yeah that’s the one - but more the cover than the original as I wasn’t alive when it was released.

The Counting Crows, I’d say it was an entirely unnecessary cover, but the original is a classic by one of the greatest songwriters of the 20th century… I’m still shocked by the nomination.

This really is quite subjective isn’t it!

This one has caught my attention of late. Great song about past/first loves and choices in life.

Another vomit-inducing offering here

A guy singing in a fake French accent, an accordion solo, and lyrics that rhyme with HaHaHa. JHC.

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No. Very No.


This kept Ultravox (Vienna) from the No.1 spot in the charts 1981…!
Just what were they smoking back then eh :0)
Note the accordion player giving it his all :0))

I shouldn’t have played your posted songs they were awful. Please no more. :cry:

Please can we do this in another thread, I just can not take anymore of this. :rage:

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Aha - revenge is mine - I am still listening to Nous on a daily basis

Thoughts on U2?

Here is another one that makes you pray for the sound of fingernails across a blackboard to relieve the horror.

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They’re crap!


Bohemian Rhapsody . There is nothing in the annals of recorded music that comes close to being as bad as that song.

Have to agree with you there. Absolute classic just due to its weirdness and the fact it was Richard Harris singing it !

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I disagree.

Worst. Record. Ever.

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