The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Part 2)

I don’t know but there was an interesting analysis on the Guardian’s opinion pages today:


My theory now is that the hotdog man Prigozhin wasn’t getting his share of the ‘winnings’. His hotdog stands weren’t the boom bundle they once were in occupied territories. So in good old medieval fashion he threw a hissy fit.
We can add to that that he was going to lose his army, his as played out was his only real power.
Anyway uncle came along and slapped him around a bit and he was sent to live with Auntie.


To play russian pulo-cake roulette?

Still don’t quite understand - was it supposed to be « i’ll show mine then u show yours » but everyone else just took a picture and posted it???

All of this will be so embarassing for Putin at the next authoritarian dictator meeting.

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I’ve read stuff to the same effect. Prior to Ukraine Prigozhin had already been bitching about the Russian generals siphoning off the spoils of war due to his (Wagner’s) exploits both in Syria and Africa.

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An interesting take on what happened:

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Meanwhile , back at the front ;

Freed article here :


I read about Clans and the such like, it does appear to be a clannish or tribal system now. I reckon it’s worst I think it’s just childish individuals like some sort of degradation of medieval system. It’s just pathetic.
It’s pathetic however I feel such a system in such a big powerful country is really scary particularly for any country on the doorstep and should be a massif concern to any responsible ‘world’ leader (Biden).
This is worst and more fragile than say Gaddaffi in Libia and that type of tribal system that the west couldn’t understand. If the couldn’t understand that how the hell are they going to get an iota of a clue on how Russia works?

I’m not sure that is even a particularly good analogy (aside from the cultural appropriation). I heard one podcast that said that Russia is best viewed through the lens of an organised crime syndicate. Rather than loyalty, you have fear. No-one trusts anyone else.

Although Russia has lots of ethnic groupings, the current splits are amongst crime gangs and affiliation is more likely to be to those that pay most. It also means that a civil war is unlikely as it stands, as the splits are not along ethnic or religious affiliation although it is possible that individual groupings may try to assert some level of autonomy.

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That’s more or less what I was saying it’s just individuals and their personal interest, held together by sledgehammering poor inocents to death.

It’s easy to forget that Ukraine is not the only place that Russia’s atrocities occur.


I think we need to remember that this is basically one man’s war. I cannot believe that anybody else privately supported this madness before it began. Equally astounding is what actually motivated Putin to embark upon this calamity.

Here you had (reputedly) the richest man in the world. A man whose position inside Russia was unassailable , who could remain head of state for as long as he wished and who recently passed a law granting him total immunity when and if he no longer wanted to hold the office.

He had everything he wanted seemingly yet was still prepared to risk it all in his quest to return to Mother Russia what he considered was rightfully hers. I can’t get past thinking that those two years of lockdown and paranoia must have taken their toll on his mental health. His actions since are those of a madman.


Good researched articles about the “voenkory”, russian war “reporters”/bloggers.


What bit of that 45 minute video is relevant? If it is he German troop deployment, the story is here:

This forms part of the EFP-Battlegroup Lithuania which has been deployed since 2017 to act as a deterrent against Russian attacks against the Baltic states.


Is this supposed to be satire?

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Take a look at the other videos on that channel.


I didn’t, the name ‘Canadian Prepper’ seemed like a bit of a hint though

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I saw his tee shirt and fainted!

Yep, I don’t need to dig through the back catalogue to know there are probably some anti-vax videos on there too.