The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Part 2)

The one where George Bush and Tony Blair lied about WMD’s

slightly old , but still gold.

you mean, the one where Saddam wouldn’t let the weapons inspectors into the country or inspect specific facilities?

Common bluster from Saddam. But oops , they didn’t find any WMD’s. Their bad.

why wouldn’t Saddam allow them entry to inspect. what are they hiding?

Even if Iraq had WMD’s , so did Pakistan. What makes Iraq special that it needed to be invaded ?

Post hoc, the suspicion is that he wanted to hide the fact that they had almost nothing at all. The uncertainty was worth something to him.

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Well, Pakistan was not subject to a specific UN agreement following a UN collective security action that required Iraq not to have any WMDs.

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There’s believing the bluster and there’s calling the bluff. Would US / UK conduct the invasion if they had clear proof that he had WMD’s ? Nope.

No one invades NK primarily because they have shown that they do have nuclear capabilities. If Iraq had shown that capability. Would the invasion even have happened ? This is US+UK knowing that Saddam didn’t have any nuclear weapons development , calling the bluff , lying about Saddam having those to the people and then proceeding to invade the country.

Oh, I very much doubt that. The US war plan for Iraq envisioned striking and eliminating those WMDs as a critical step. Whatever we may think of the veracity of the intelligence now, operationally the US military took it as accurate - and were frustrated in their planning exercise that they did not have precise locations to hit. Fighter-bomber units were deployed and in the air on reserve for what was subsequently called a ‘snipe hunt’.

Similarly, units drilled their WMD gear usage etc. It is hard to know who actually knew that the intel was nonsense.

The nuclear got the headlines, but no one seriously thought Iraq had any real capability - they were breaking the rules simply trying to develop it. The real concern was chemical weapons, which Saddam’s regime had in fact used against their own population and was probably the capacity he was trying to ensure remained opaque. As it turned out, there was essentially nothing left of it.

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Again nope. While I do hope that some manufacturing capabilities are added to India and other countries , If only to help the global supply chains in case of disruptions and the consequences of relying only on one place.

India is probably poles apart from China as it stands. Absolutely 0 similarities from the people (with all the languages , cultures etc) - China makes it a point to impose one language.

The debt trap , even if India had the money that china has , It won’t go on a policy of debt trapping countries to achieve strategic resources etc

Freedom of expression , India doesn’t have a great record in that. Not what constitutes as freedom of expression in the west but comparing with China ?

India also doesn’t engage with other countries with a one-sided perspective. The perspective that their country should be the only country benefitting from any ties,links, trade etc.

India also doesn’t have the natural resources to the scale that china does.

Doesn’t have any ambitions as to world hegemony. India has ambitions to be treated as a world power , but it’s a country with 1/8th of the world’s population. That by itself gets India a seat on the table

let me rephrase

India is at the stage where China was 30 years ago. huge population of cheap labor. Just not developed yet.

Not 30 years ago , Maybe 20. Also I doubt India will ever be able to compete with China in the stage of development of infrastructure etc. Don’t even think it’s India’s goal. India’s goal is to leverage its working force. Be it , their capabilities in IT service areas or any other by the sheer number of English speaking graduates being produced. That’s a pretty big difference maker to what China’s goal is. (In terms of economics ofcourse)

There are quite a lot of advents in technological and the communications front that India’s been good at. Yes , Infrastructure has been lacking but It’s something that India will increasingly gain benefit of when the latest entrant gets access to the newest systems when the other countries are still stuck in legacy hardware. For example , the adoption of 5G technologies , US probably still had their 2G towers 5-6 years back. But it’s more difficult for US to change their infrastructure than it is for India to get new ones.

Anyway , different discussions. Be happy to discuss this if moved to another thread.

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I can’t believe I was reading that “no one invades North Korea because they have nukes” by someone who wants to come across as knowledgable. Maybe he should do some minor research on artillery range and how many pieces DPKR have, many hidden on rail inside mountains, and how much is aimed at Seol and how many casualties it is asssumed that DPRK can cause South Korea on Day 1 and 2 in such a war.It is assumed that DPKR can cause tens of thousand of South Korean casualties on Day 1 and 2 and this is freely available information. If you know nothing, it is always better to say nothing, just like it is outrageous whataboutism and dishonest to compare the Iraq war with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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Sure , Nukes often go hand in hand with conventional warfare weapons as well. Name one country with nukes which doesn’t have good conventional warfare capabilities. You fail to acknowledge the point that both the invasion of Iraq and the invasion of Ukraine are based on falsehoods.

Also , stop attacking the person and debate on the merits of the argument.

oh please explain this one. I’m dying to know what this is about.

You are just here to derail the thread into your favorite bullshit whataboutism that you so dearly love to peddle.
Maybe walk off over to that other thread you made for this purpose exactly and stop bombarding this thread with your idiotic nonsense and terrible excuses. I don’t want to read them, certainly not debate you, and I doubt people who are interested in the war feel a dire need to read them either on this thread. You have your own thread for your whataboutism debates. Use it and kindly fuck off unless you want to post about the actual war in Ukraine. If so, post as much as you want, but you never do, you are only ever interested in debating whataboutism and it’s not what this thread is for, which you damn well know.

If it hasn’t dawned on you yet, if I respond to you, it is just because I want to ridicule what you said, show others what a fool you actually are, and not let you spew your garbage spin uncontested; and not because I want to debate your nonsense ideas in this thread. There is no merit in what you say here, none. I know your opinion exact, and nothing you say ever surprises me.

And you NEVER post a single post about the war in Ukraine. You posted a little reuters pieces as an excuse above, just so you could hide your nakedness, but you are not interested in any debate on what is going on in this war. If anything, you only want to rehash the and re-debate for the thousand time the reasons for the Kremlin to chose to invade (which have all been thorougly debunked, not that it makes on impression on you in any form or way).
You care nothing as to what is happening on the battlefield.

You want your low-brow meta debates on the same old garbage talking points that everyone has read a million times (how NATO supposedly should not expand to the east, how poor Russia is threatened, how it is encircled, how Russia had reasonable security demands, how we must understand why they became so hostile, respect and understand their revanchism because they were treated poorly, respect their sphere of influence and hot it is so understandable that they cannot allow countries such as Ukraine to choose to become member of Europe, how poor Kremlin must be understood and how understandable it is that India does not condemn the invasion because it is all the same as the Iraq invasion). Pure bizzarro garbage like that, it’s the only thing that interests you and i have read it so many times in the past, I am sure everyone has. From you and a million other people who buy into the Kremlin spin.
No one is intersted in rehashing the bullshit from a year ago. Most people understand why the Kremlin actually invaded and that it had nothing to do with their constructed phony 8 point security guarantee demands .

Again, if you start taking an interest in this war and you are actually interested in discussing the actual war, or something in the PRESENT, then please take part in the thread and contribute by posting news, maybe Indian perspectives on what is happening (that would actually be interesting!) But you don’t. So why are you here then ? Just to continue to troll with your meta-nonsense ? Look at the thread now. 30 odd posts, nothing to do with Ukraine. That is what happens when you participate.

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