The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Part 2)

Sustainable for a few years (unless internal politics/social unrest disrupts it, it is impossible to gauge in an autocracy) in terms of manpower. The vehicle losses RU suffers are likely not sustainable despite their formidable Soviet legacy storage and high current production (they lose hundreds more tanks a years than they produce as an example, despite producing around 200 a year).

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A bit anecdotal, but during the months that I was keeping radio-silence on this thread since I didn’t feel like spending so much time “working” on such a hobby project that is basically only about informing others; I’ve noticed very many T-90 type (there are multiple types of T-90, go google) getting destroyed.

I have lately come to the conclusion that this likely means that restoration work on legacy T-72’s from storage to the “newish” T-72B3 model, is too slow, so RU more reliant on more finite T-90s (obviously a much better tank, but since they don’t have infinite numbers of it, their armour fleet is mostly T-72B3, which they still also produce as well as upgrade ancient versions of T-72 to).

I quite frankly thinks this may be a positive sign.


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Pretty decent overview

Obliteration of culture

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Have wanted this for a long time. The argument that it may ‘turn off the West’ really has no merit when you see what the IDF have been doing so I hope Ukraine can blow up and kill as much as possible in Moscow. Fuck the Russians who have done naught about Putin and deserve to hurt; just like the Germans hurt in WW2.

The most critical geopolitical disaster in the West since the Second World War and unless our politicians grants it actualy priority, very soon, we risk letting an obviously achievable Ukrainian victory turn into a grim defeat. Which will mean annihilation for Ukraine and future wars for us. I will never be able to understand the lack of sense of urgency and why so few seem to care. Do people seriously think that a Russian victory in Ukriane will mean “Peace in our Time” if Kreml reaches its political objectives ? Why would it ? Their decisions would be vindicated. Their agression justified in the eyes of Russians. Don’t people understand this ?

And btw, Tatarigami by far, the best most objective Ukrainian military analyst with excellent contacts and high security clearance in Ukraine.



“One of the most important tasks is to create a new world order,” a Kremlin Security Council document dated 3 April 2023 states.

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What an incredibly shitty war this is for everyone involved. Only by arming Ukraine to the teeth can this end sooner rather than later, unless you are in favour of this hell continuing in the future with new states getting victimised, risking confrontation with NATO that may very well end up nuclear.

Very graphic material, involves Ru soldier commiting suicide by grenade and also bombed vehicle with dying solider, all filmed from above by drone; so please only click if you are sure you can cope with it:




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when they were pulling out 30yo tanks from inventory a year ago, we knew that Russia was trying to cycle through old equipment for one last hurrah instead of liquidating their modern tanks in this war.

Am guessing that they’re run out of antiquated equipment and are having to use more modern vehicles.

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Lots of reports Zelnisky is about to fire Zaluzhny . Meanwhile Syrski and Tarnavskii are still commanding brigades. Jaja. Fuck me. But also lots of denial. No one knows for sure. Absurd. But it has been clear that there is political infighting and that many want to take down Zaluzhny.


I can’t see him letting Zaluzhny go.

He wants to. Or wanted to before the ensuing shit storm after the leaks broke.
It probably won’t happen now after the intense pushback, probably in a few months instead or maybe even never. But this is dirty Ukrainian political infighting going on, Proshenko’s ppl all over the net spinning their Zalyshny defence after politicians close to Zelensky leaked this and Ukrainian reporters also confirmed it. And unfortunately it is in public view of everyone. Worst of all, 60% of pro UKR ppl on twitter deny it and call it Russian propaganda and are attacking every journalist reporting it, analystst discussing it. Despite the obvious fact that it was leaked by high placed Ukrainian government sources. It created a huge shit storm.

A fucking miserable day on the internet today. Blue on Blue deluxe. Naive people attacking people with insight and sources enmass.

Kreml probably popped a few bottled oc champaigne tonight.

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