In Russia, 12 of the top scientists involved in researching hypersonic weapons (Kinzhal) have been arrested and are all charged with State Treason (!). The Kinzhal, promoted for years by Tankies all over the world as the world*s foremost Wünderwaffe, have been an abject failure with an absolutely terrible CEP. It’s basically just an air launced Iskander, but lacks the aerodynamic properties of ground launched Iskander, so accuracy is very bad and they have also been shot down some of them (which was supposed to be impossible).
3 days old, but amusing and I think I previously forgot to post it.
I mean, whatch this. Just watch it…
I love how they manoeuvered. Absolute cluster fuck.
Max posts:
Now that is remarkable , especially if we cast our minds back to Putin’s grand announcement when he unveiled these new super weapons to which the West had no answer and could only tremble in front of. Hubris really is a bitch.
The burning oil refinery in Volgograd (Stalingrad)
These strategic strikes against oil refineries in Russia’s rear are now so significant in numbers and targeting, that they will indeed, absolutely, affect the war. The question is just to what degree.
But it has been said many times by various experts, the less western weapons are shipped to Ukraine; the less influence on targeting does the US have. For instance now, Ukraine totally ignoring wishes of the US and has been doing so for months.
Another example on complete lack of US influence. Today we have yet another Ukrainian assassination inside Russia. Previously, there have been numerous in Krim, killing submarine captain that launched missiles at cities, but now in Engels inside Russia proper too. Strategic bomber pilots not safe is the message.
Make no mistake, this is a very clear strategic shift and it has been going on very, very small scale for a few months, but last month; boooooooooooom ;Everything happening at once.
Seems to be the only way to be rehabilitated in Russia. Nothing social, involving psychologists, changing life or anyting like that; go to Ukraine to kill. Then you are rehabilitated. Must create stable and safe citizens on the street indeed.
8000 or so with working warheads I read.
It could be significant actually and could maybe be used by UA SU-25 and helicopters.
Maybe Putin should be redirected to Israel where the modern Nazis live. A US-Russia proxy war over Israel would be much more appropriate
RU have begun storming Avdiivka, entering from north (and as we know, have presence in south). Violent urban battles raging.
I hope UA is about to retreat.
Mind you, may be air defence shooting stuff down. We’ll see soonish
More here though
Again, see soonish
Confirmed material losses from yesterday. Biggest one day list from the war in a very, very long time, I think.
Just released this video, and it is extremely intense. Viewer descretion adviced, as although blurred out, you can still probably guess what they are shoveling away with a field shovel and more.
Video also contains artiellery hit on fortification resulting in a flying AK from RU trench:
On 11: 05, a russian soldier they have missed suddenly throws a handgranade out of a hole, and there is a an atheletic dodge moment.
Very intense assault documentary.
Here it is:
If you don’t want to watch it all, assault starts around 8min and then everything becomes more and more and more and more intense.
crazy scenes there
@Semmy - grim numbers. Poilievre’s faux-Trump/convoy act is starting to create resonance in his base, in part picking up on the GOP echo chamber. The infuriating thing is that we have promised far more than we have actually delivered, and the sum of that promise is less than the last round of cost overruns on the CH-148 procurement. A different Opposition would be holding Justin’s feet to the fire over that.
Has anyone seen this yet? I’m thinking of trying to see it soon.