The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

Oh god here we go….

He’s seen someone is wrong on the internet

Looks like MO’s agent

He’s checking TAN!

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Mandalorian/Last of Us switcheroo

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Anyone fancy a cake :birthday:

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Bake sale for international women’s day?

Good grief! Things have moved on at the Women’s Institute.

Look like a new range of emoji’s… is the site adding them to their choice :0)

If that tray was put in front of you and you had to take one out of politeness, which one would you go for?

I’d probably plump for the first one on the second row. That’s within my comfort zone. Some of them look absolutely furious.

The second one up on the third row could almost pass for a coffee renoir, so probably that one.

Whoever is running the National Parks twitter is doing a fantastic job

To avoid crowds, visit areas that are less crowded :rofl:


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Yeah I had a joiner like that work on my house once… Got rid of him in the end he was crap :0)