The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

I’m all for it

I remember years ago, when I first moved to UK, was in a pub with a punch of other aussies and kiwis having a lock in one night when this came up in conversation. The assistant manager walked up from the kitchen with an aussie burger with the works and overheard the conversation and was quiet adamant about pineapple not belonging on pizza until some dutch girl asked about the pineapple on his burger - the look of confussion, rage and indignation changing to defeat was priceless

The only thing pineapple goes with is jelly!
Then it’s still best as pineapple fresh and sweet.

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Pineapple rings on a burger with egg, beetroot, cheese, bacon, lettuce and tomato is the greates culinary delight you will ever know - trust me

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I will never trust you again!!! :crazy_face:

Pizza heaven is ham, pineapple and sweetcorn with jalapeños.

The nutters are out to hijack the funny thread!!! :sob:


Fixed :wink:

Mashed pineapple is the best marinate ever for steak… Coat it for an hour or so before cooking.


Wouldn’t the acid in the pineapple cook the steak?

doesnt sound great to be honest. but you never know… surely you wouldnt do it to a nice rib eye or scotch fillet? what cut are you talking?

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Well worth a read for anyone with an FT subscripion:

You can have whatever you like on your bloody pizza. Personally, I go for pepperoni, spicy beef, pineapple and green chillies: the acidity and sweetness of the pineapple cut through the meat and the chillies add a nice kick.

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