The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards


Not all construction work is equally enjoyable.

For instance, drilling a large hole is boring, but fastening two pieces of metal together is riveting.


Why did the constructor shy away from making construction jokes?

Because the joke still needed some work!

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What is the most groundbreaking invention?

The Jackhammer

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That’s as maybe but they don’t try to pass it off as ‘English’ food.

Anyway, I liked your construction jokes. Put it on my whatsapp status. People like ‘my’ dad jokes.

My mate who worked at Plessey knew this guy and tells a similar story. :laughing:

I wonder if he ever thought of changing his name. A brave man…

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:0) - could have put these in the film thread



I don’t understand the difference. Australian food is very good you can easily, readily get across the nation. So our coffee is consistently a very high standard (much better than say Italy) while we have very good quality fruit and veg and multiple generational waves of migration that has infused our food culture and the ‘modern Australian’ cuisine which borrows elements from across the world without being constrained by traditional cultural rules, is probably more sophisticated than anywhere. It’s also very easy and cheap to eat very well here because the standards throughout the suburbs, towns and backwaters are very high in a way that is unique.

But all this is just my (albeit well informed) POV. My response was drawn by a comment by @Semmy about Aussie beef being shite which just seemed nonsensical so I said so and then immediately found clear evidence that it was shite - Aussie beef wins awards across lots of categories. Farmers here are very good at finding lucrative markets and then producing better quality products than anyone else.

Are you Australian by any chance?

Read my bio

I’m with Paul and Aussie Lad on this one. Good food and burgers and wine and pineapples and coffee and beer in this neck of the woods.

As we say “happiness is not having a six pack - it’s drinking one”

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And w(h)ine :rofl:

I lived in Aussie for just under a year, travelled from Melbourne to Port Douglas and back down to Brisbane. granted this is 03/04 so maybe it’s improved since my time there but the cows I saw looked quite grim and the meat had a very gamey flavor compared to what I get here.

as for the award winning meat, I don’t know where it came from. But one of my friends (Italian) owned a restaurant in Coogee when I was there and in Bondi afterwards, we went out for dinner every few weeks to places like Hurricanes in Bondi, multiple in Darling Harbour and Manly on the north side. Various restaurants in Melbourne and at the Kingfisher Resort on Fraser Island. Spent $50k in that 10months eating (and drinking) our way across the eastern part of the country.

It’s probably only since the emergence of the Wagyu cattle in Australia (and now in some ranches in Canada, although it cannot be called Kobe outside of that prefecture in Japan), that you’re seeing some higher end product down there. Because the market pricing will dictate the costs inferred to raise and feed such a type of cattle.

Australian seafood cannot be touched, went to the Fish Market in Sydney at 4am and bought some obscenely tasty King Prawns and barramundi and yellowfin tuna for a private dinner at my friend’s house in the eastern suburbs. And their wines, like the Coonawarra Trio out of the Hunter Valley are still some of my favorite red wines to date. I’d love to get my hands on a 99 Pyrus again. Or a Penfolds Grange which I was fortunate enough to try.

But the beef when I was there was very disappointing.

Not saying you can’t get good food in Australia. Just saying the good food is not Australian. If the beers you export are anything to go back, then the beer is crap too.
Good wines though both red and white. That I have no problem admitting.
Can’t comment on the beef but beetroot on a burger? Sort yourselves out.



Oh yes we all drink fosters. :face_vomiting:

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Never been to Australia but from what I have seen on YT and photo’s Darwin (not ours :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) looks nice.

Darwin is one place I would never go! But I’m sure @1972 could go there and have himself a XXXX.