The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards


I literally…
Gavin Free Lol GIF by Rooster Teeth



I really don’t get this. Seems everyone else did, what am I missing?

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It’s to do with how text messages used to be done. Before predictive text messaging you needed to press buttons a number of times for each letter. So 9 three times gives you a Y, 3 twice gives you an E.


I’m sure it’s funny if I could be arsed. Going back to playing snakey snakey.

In fairness, it’s only funny if you ARE old and went to all the trouble of working it out first.


It was a common issue with the old style phones that when you put them in your pocket, you would type out random numbers.

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Can’t tell if serious. Those numbers aren’t random… Or are you just mentioning that as an extra facet to the joke?

I remember when phones were like that. Pain in the arse to text!

In terms of the joke, when it has had a couple of rounds of explanation, it is possible it didn’t land in the right spot first time round :joy:

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It’s a joke targeted at a specific age/audience and everyone else needs some explanation, but for that target audience it’s a good joke.

Me neither. I must be young? :wink:

Darn it, I’ve given myself away. :crazy_face::joy::nerd_face:

Q. If you’ve got a cricket ball in 1 hand and a cricket ball in the other hand, what have you got?

A . A massive cricket

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