The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

A couple of years ago I was on the astronomy programme “The Sky At Night”. It was a brief prerecorded section but involved me having to reference the planet Uranus. I am aware that there are different ways of pronouncing that and checked with the producer how to say it. He told me just to pronounce it as I usually do.

When the programme went out, I discovered that the astronomers on the show said it differently to how I do, and the way I say it could be construed as being a bit rude. I was mortified.


I once had a back and forth about the possibilities of mining gasses and various exotic particles from Uranus for interstellar probes… needless to say it was completely childish from my side but the other person was being quite serious - so in the end I was put on ignore and my comments deleted from the chat…

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The Dark Knit


Oi @gasband, look at this Lowry fella for your next style. I’ve flogged all the horse eouvre and the market wants some new shit.



Rick Skullington?

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You are asking me, the great, to draw inspiration from someone else.

Angry Over It GIF by Pit Viper

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