The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

My mum was a fan of Crossroads tv show! It looks so dated now. That was his mum Meg who ran the hotel.


After someone has ordered it, do they have to wait at least a few minutes until someone else can order it as well?

For some reason that just reminded me of my niece criticising a Spider-Man movie. She found it particularly unrealistic because Spiderman shoots webs from his wrists rather than his bum.

I can’t wait until she scripts the next film where the plot involves Peter Parker getting stuck in the bath and Aunt May having to rescue him with a glass jar sealed off by a postcard.

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Danish sweeties. File under “lost in translation”:

Fuck me I’m old.
I remember the blue “invalid cars” like it was yesterday.
Weirdly, they had handlebars and not a steering wheel.


Both brilliant albyms.

On a side note for the trivia buffs. INXS were inducted into the Aussie music Hall of Fame in 2001 along side The Saints - who were one of the first punk bands to have a large influence around the world.

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The fun thing is that there was clearly an incident that caused that warning to be printed.