Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Apologies for the paper

I assume this is the long grass.


I wonder if any of the fan groups have made any statements about Greenwood. Youā€™d assume that a larger percentage of United fans what his contract terminated, than those few that want him playing ?

Interesting that heā€™s continued to be paid by united (according to that report) - Ā£75k a week - means even if his contractā€™s terminated heā€™s set for life. Cunt.

I would think there is a very good chance he will have been spending most of that though, and once it stops he may have difficulty replacing that sort of income

Oh dear, he might have to get a job.


Hopefully City, United and Newsandcastle fuck off and play in a ā€œsuperā€ league with PSG and the four Al Humanrightsabusers sides and leave the non-nation owned teams to compete on merit.


Yeah, definitely not a parody account.

Just spotted that now. Deleted.

despite having a decent weekend I thought a pickmeup was in order.


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I do love it.

There up in arms at him not wanting to give up the awful deal they signed him on.

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Canā€™t blame Maguire really.


I predicted this to one of my Manc friends as a wind up a few weeks ago. Good on Maguire for rightly holding these shitcunts to the terrible contract they signed.

De Gea should do the same, Sancho, too.

Oh yeah, rumor is they want to sell Sancho for 60M.


This is when putting players on absolutely insane contracts bites you on the arse.

No doubt there would be sections of our fanbase losing their shit over FSG not putting teenagers on 350k per week.

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There was some rumour doing the rounds Dortmund might offer to take Sancho on loan :rofl:

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I thought they were glad to be rid of him in the end, werenā€™t they?

We have been on the right lines, mostly, with our contracts. We pay a fair upper Prem team wage, but then it is significantly topped up based on success.

We also like to keep a sensible lid on what younger players earn, as we want them to maximize their footballing potential, with the rewards to follow.

Obviously it gets trickier to continue to chart this sort of course as more and more money is sloshing around the game, but it is the right thing to do. It might mean we miss out on some players, but for me it is worth it, as there are plenty of good players to go around.

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Probably saved a mint this year based on form :joy:

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Another oil club comes in.

Yeah, seems Sir Jim has been sent packing.

The Oilchester Derby.

Seriously , itā€™s only a matter of time before a Bahrain or any other country decides to come for us. I donā€™t see how FSG can ignore an offer in the range of 8b USD (considering how financially secure Liverpool are). United went for a lesser price considering that the new owners have to put in a lot to the stadium etc etc.

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You are probably right, sadly the death of football in my view.