Those jammy fuckers down the M62

That’s possible. Maybe with the way the game has changed in the past 10-15 years John Terry wouldn’t have been able to succeed at the level he did in the 00s. Maybe he would have had to fall down the table to a midtable side. Ultimately though a 2023 version of Dyche would have fucking loved a 22 year old Terry, limitations and all.


Took the piss out of badly photoshopped transfer links.

This one is insane.

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Manchester United fined £257,000 by UEFA over minor breach of its previous financial fair play rules.


What’s the fine for a semi-breach of FFP rules, must be another whopping fee?

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The same amount it cost them to have Pogba spend a single game on the bench


When will the authorities learn that the only effective punishment is a substantial points deduction?

Fines are meaningless in modern football, at the top level at least.


…or issue both. Put the fines money back into the grassroots of the game, and let the club struggle against relegation with points a deduction


I like the picture where he is walking out alongside Martinez.


West Ham establishing what the market will bear for Maguire - they offered to take him on loan and cover his wages. ManU has said no, but that is the best offer they have actually received. Rather a far cry from the £50M they are dreaming of.

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Anyone willing to pay 200k per week for a literal walking meme are out of their fucking tree. United are idiots for not taking that deal.

Maguire might do well in Moyes’ setup down there, but the issue at this point is the fans will turn after the first mistake and that’ll be that.

Mr SBYM achieved full rigidity at ‘meme’.

You could have stopped there.

I will continue to give my all every time I wear the shirt.

Is there a more empty statement? Unfortunately for us, you won’t be wearing the shirt on the pitch. Sure his missus would like his all with the shopping. He can wear while walking around Tesco’s.

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I actually think it is quite a reasonable offer by West Ham. Expensive defender, but a reasonable fit for Moyes and if you factor in what a comparable defender would cost as a transfer fee(divided by years of contract) it probably looks like a similar number.

ManU won’t see better. The offers from Italian clubs to pay half wages and with an option to buy will come floating in…


Floating in? Only if pigs can fly.

Animated GIF

Seriously though, I agree, you’d imagine they won’t get a better trotter, I mean offer.

Nah, the Fiorentina’s of the world will be giving them offers to pay half wages and an option to buy at some kind of discount - trying to give themselves a chance to rehabilitate him and sell him back to England somewhere, or dump him at the end of the season. Remember the Aquilani deal?

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No, I really don’t. The only serious play here by ManU might be that they are trying to humiliate Maguire into being willing to take the kind of pay cut needed for him to actually leave on a transfer. I have no idea why a 30 year old would accept that, especially because either way he likely ends up somewhere like West Ham.


That’d be poor man management. Way to build squad harmony. He’s a crap front foot defender but perfect for the Moyes, Allardyces of the world.

and the Dutch are so well known for their tact and delicate touch with interpersonal relations…

Yep, but as usual their own hubris prevents them from making sound financial decisions.

Have to admit I’m a tad concerned that Ten Hag seems to be making good ruthless squad changes though. Fucking off Ronaldo and DDG, as well as stripping the armband from Slabhead tells me he’s got a bit about him.

I still expect him to get found out tactically this season in the PL though. No shortened preseason or lack of prep time due to the WC this time. Teams will figure out that Bruno is shit when you press him.