Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Ornstein posted this about half an hour ago.

Shortly afterwards Utd released this statement.
“Following the dropping of all charges against Mason Greenwood in February 2023, Manchester United has conducted a thorough investigation into the allegations made against him.

This has drawn on extensive evidence and context not in the public domain, and we have heard from numerous people with direct involvement or knowledge of the case.

Throughout this process, the welfare and perspective of the alleged victim has been central to the club’s inquiries, and we respect her right to lifelong anonymity.

We also have responsibilities to Mason as an employee, as a young person who has been with the club since the age of seven, and as a new father with a partner.

The fact-finding phase of our investigation is now complete, and we are in the final stages of making a decision on Mason’s future.

Contrary to media speculation, that decision has not yet been made and is currently the subject of intensive internal deliberation. Responsibility ultimately rests with the Chief Executive Officer.

Once made, the decision will be communicated and explained to the club’s internal and external stakeholders.

This has been a difficult case for everyone associated with Manchester United, and we understand the strong opinions it has provoked based on the partial evidence in the public domain. We ask for patience as we work through the final stages of this carefully considered process”

So, are we to believe that Utd are working through the final stages of this carefully considered process, or should we expect to see Greenwood in a Man U shirt any day now?

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The only carefully considered process is who they can hide behind in making the decision to keep him on and play him.

or threaten to sell to us so Chelsea buy him…


Saw something around United having asked the opinion of the United Women’s team, and that they were waiting for squad seniors to return from the World Cup (Earps, Toone, and Zelem (Russo now United)).

Feels like a stall on the decision rather than genuine - - and would be surprised if any woman (other than Greenwoods Mother) would think it’s okay that he gets to play for United having heard the audio.


If there’s anything I’ve learned about #metoo, it’s really to never underestimate how many women have internalised misogyny…


Sure if you want to take care of him as an employee…give him a different job - I’m sure cleaners, bar workers, match day stewards, servers in hospitality, groundsmen, kitchen staff, security staff and others employed by Manchester United are new parents too and they make ends meet.

What a bullshit sentence in that statement - yeah he’s a dad so lets keep him on this super lucrative career that only a very few % of people in the world are lucky enough to have. Seems the norm for United to keep with those accused of treating their partners badly.

I wonder if Giggs et al are part of the “numerous people” that have been spoken to. Bet he’d give a great character reference.

Maguire’s move to West Ham has collapsed. Reading between the lines, the Hammers are not willing to pay him anywhere close to what ManU does - which was blindingly obvious two months ago. He essentially has almost no transfer value, the fee West Ham agreed to is very close to what he is due to earn under his existing contract. He is on £190k/week. Would West Ham pay him the same as Kurt Zouma? I wouldn’t. In order to make even that £120k number work, ManU would need to hand back about £12M of the agreed transfer price. Once you factor in his age and the fact he would be on that kind of wage in 25/26 as a 33 year old, in West Ham’s position I would not go much higher than £15M net to ManU after dealing with the contract problem.

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They love doing those little releases to gauge public reaction, they are as cowardly as Greenwood.

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Rachel Riley vows to stop supporting Man Utd if Mason Greenwood remains at the club

Countdown presenter and media personality Rachel Riley has threatened to stop supporting Manchester United if the club welcomes Mason Greenwood back into its ranks

Broadcaster and lifelong Manchester United supporter Rachel Riley has said she’ll stop supporting the club if Mason Greenwood returns to the squad.

Riley - who has presented end-of-season awards ceremonies at United - added her own experience of seeing a friend ‘try to leave an abusive partner’ and the ‘huge effect this has on victims lives.’

She continued: "It would be devastating for my club to contribute to a culture that brushes this under the carpet and send a message to perpetrators everywhere that you can continue to act as you wish with no consequences. I really hope they do the right thing

Many fans agreed with Riley and said they too would stop supporting United if Greenwood does come back into Erik ten Hag’s squad

The swell of opinion the hierarchy are trying to keep a lid on

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They can as a private organisation put the threshold wherever it is the video brings the club into disrepute.

They have no desire to get rid they can’t hide behind the law like an organisation can sack based on far less as a University can remove a student based on less.

These people like to hide behind legal decisions but legal is a high threshold. Thresholds that businesses would not meet to sack someone.

The Athletic wrote a piece about Utd’s pending decision and in addressing concern within the club they wrote this

The Athletic has been told there are multiple employees within the club who are deeply troubled by the decision and believe they did not feel the club has fostered an environment where major decisions by senior personnel can be freely challenged. This is something the club refute.

You are totally free to disagree with me, but only if you think I am right.


I wonder if for even a second they have paused to contemplate the possibility that Greenwood might do something similar in the future? There will be nowhere to hide. ManU has come off fairly lightly for essentially nurturing a monster so far, but his next transgression is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the club if he stays.


not that i care a jot for Greenwood…but maybe it’d be better for him too…i mean, if hes been there since 7 years old and this is the end result…

Maybe they hoping one of the Arab clubs come in for him… Solve their problem that

A message to Harry…

Just stick it out at Man Utd Harry,

We’re confident you will eventually get another chance and you will come good,

Trust us…

So you hang in there, we’re all rooting for you!


He should stick it out, just because he’s bleeding them of £190K a week.


Frankly bullet dodged for west ham.


I actually think he would be a decent signing for West Ham under a manager like Moyes.

The majority of Maguire’s problems at Utd stem from a succession of managers that have tried to force him to be something he is clearly not - a footballer. But as a defender he is actually good - look at his performances for England. Play a deeper line and don’t expect the defenders to do anything pretty with the ball and you would see a marked improvement in him. That is Moyes defensive structure down to a T.

It is when you get Ole levels of delusion and think that because you paid £80M for him that he must be able to do all the things that other £80M defenders can do is when you see his game fall apart.


Nat Phillips can do that as well. A no frills , limited defender maybe. But aerially he’s good and much cheaper as well.


The difference is Nat Phillips has Klopp as his manager and knows how to get the best out of him.

Maguire had Mourinho, Giggs, Ole and Ten Hag as his manager who all were guilty of trying to turn him into something he is not and never will be. A manager like Moyes will simplify his game and allow him to do what he is good at - no nonsence defending at all costs that includes putting the ball into row Z if he finds the ball at his feet.

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