Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Except advanced age.

Everton would drool at the chance to acquire him, and he might even look good in blue.

Starting over at a new club is actually likely to be his only real chance.

He shouldnā€™t be allowed to start over anywhere, he should be on remand with a pending/ongoing criminal legal proceedings against himā€¦the matter of the fact is the little blonde bimbo and her cretin of a father decided to no longer bring the case forward.

The above has opened the door for Utd to allow him to re-enter and take his place in the squadā€¦thatā€™s who I put the blame on.

Shame on you.


Why not? Heā€™s 21. He was not convicted of anything. Same for Mendy. Same for American baseball Trevor Bauer. Due process is an important consideration. Who decides who gets banned forever, and is that process fair?

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Legal due process on one thing. Companies are not beholden to it, and its limitiations when it comes to punishing guilty people, when making decisions about whether to continue to employ problematic people in what is essentially a PR exercise.

And Trevor Bauer is a monster regardless of how well heā€™s managed to skirt the legal repercussions of his actions.

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Shame on me? Can you not see whatā€™s happening here? Shame on her, what kind of example does this set for other woman facing assault/violence against men? That itā€™s ok to stay in a relationship like that if your wealthy partner can buy your silence. Thatā€™s shameful.

Because he should be trialed in court and face up to prosecutorsā€¦have no idea who Trevor Bauer is because I donā€™t know the first thing about baseball but the Mendy case was very different as you well know, he went through the process from start to finish and was found not guilty by a panel of juries contrary to what anyone thinks.

Yeah, Iā€™m sure sheā€™s definitely making these decisions entirely of her own volition, with no external pressure whatsoever.



Reasonable point. And I donā€™t want to defend any of them because I donā€™t know for sure what they did or did not do. Itā€™s just that all this trial by press strikes me as a bit problematic.

True. It is incredibly problematic, but it also, somewhat counter intuitively, a very fruitful way for powerful men to muddy the waters and help with the incredibly difficult proprosion of getting a conviction for these crimes again men with a public profile and power.

Donā€™t care about what pressure is on her, as an adult she as a duty of care to make sure a criminal faces up to justice and people wonder why this country is lost cause with crime rates soaring through the roof.

Letā€™s see, multibillion Ā£ club, multimillionaire player, both of whom have acted appallingly, a UK criminal justice system with a truly woeful record of taking sexual violence against women seriouslyā€¦and you are going with blaming the victim because she caved?

Greenwood was not convicted. We are where we are. But ManUā€™s choice to bring him back means he faces no consequences at all.


Yeah victim blaming again.

And we wonder so many are gone unreported.


Wellā€¦he does have to play for Man United, then. Hence, my suggestion of Everton as a next stop. Similar aromas.

As the victim of a horrible crime, the country has a duty of care to her. Instead one of the pre-eminent social institutions in the country is currently mapping out the best way to reintegrate her abuser and rehabilitate his image.

Really cannot express enough how backwards I think your perspective on this is.


Just linked this is a post on the pl thread, but wifebeater united facing another potential shitshow; this time with Antony

This is genuinely fucking disgusting. We all saw and heard the video/audio. We all know what happened between them. We all know Greenwood broke bail multiple times to contact her. We all know she faced an overwhelming amount of online abuse including death threats. Her choosing a payout over a trial is understandable should not be shamed.

If youā€™re set on shaming anyone shame him for being a cunt. Shame the people that have defended him. Shame United for facilitating his return. Shame the people that have sent her death threats and abuse. Shame the people calling her a bimbo for wanting her ordeal to end. Shame yourself. Embarrassing approach to this.


Heā€™s a free man (because of her and her father, because of the decision they made). This is a fact. What consequences does he face by Utd not bringing him back? Heā€™ll start over somewhere else, who can stop him if we as a society allow criminals to walk scot free? This is where weā€™re failing as a nation.

One of the hardest things Iā€™ve ever had to do was take a stand in court and testify against my own father for domestic violenceā€¦I was around the same age she is now. As much as I didnā€™t want to do it I knew I had to because it was the right thing to do. Thatā€™s the bottom line.

Iā€™ll shame who I please, Shaming the people that have defended him is exactly what Iā€™m doingā€¦the biggest defence he could have was for the case to be dropped, well heā€™s got now that hasnā€™t he so well fucking done. ā€œBut how am I going to get you to pay child support if youā€™re behind bars, Masonā€

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