Those jammy fuckers down the M62

The few United fans I’ve asked about this have been unanimous in their disgust and don’t want him back in the team. Amazing that the board can be so out of touch here.

Oh, and @The-AllMightyReds: shelve it, twat.


I am glad you were in a position to do what was right, as hard as it has been. I also have experienced testifying multiple times in court, against my family, but not limited to. (I won’t go in details, too long personal and awful story)

But this doesn’t give you the right to judge how a victim acts and shame them. Period.

Other than that, you’re indeed right that society is failing her, as they failed you and me.


Coming late into this discussion, I’m doubly appalled by the fact they’re waiting for the women’s team input.

First because of the widely reported deflection it creates by de facto putting the decision on them

And secondly, because how the fuck could Manchester United employees take an impartial decision against the source of their income?

This is just disgusting.


You say right there it’s one of the hardest things you’ve done. So you know it’s hard for her too. You know the pressure she’s feeling from all corners.

How much abuse do you think she got from Man Utd fans? Death threats if she followed through etc?

You’re victim blaming pure and simple. We know abuse victims face problems leaving never mind convicting their abusers.

You can have the opinion she should be stronger and follow through with the legal process. It’s the petty name calling and belittling of a clear victim that makes you look like an absolute bellend. Have a bit of tact.


Not to mention she can’t even count on support from family, apparently.


more like her family saw Greenwood and his money.

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The most important thing she has done is go public, regardless of anything else. Her actions gives the next person who gets involved with him (date or relationship) a warning that violent physical and emotional abuse is a very likely possibility.

You have to wonder how many victims of serial rapists would have been saved if the first person was in the physical and emotional state to be able to press charges. This is why it’s important support people like her and save the criticism for fake accusers, or the people that are in denial of the accusers. e.g. I wonder how many women that would now knowingly go into a hotel room, and take a drink from Bill Cosby, and that includes his supporters that are in denial.

I wouldnt be surprised if United or Greenwood for that matter force her to give a video statement saying that her claims were false.

AI fake claim.

The whole thing is that she’s had the child with Greenwood after the incident.

It’s clear that he violated the terms of the bail in contacting the victim or the victim’s family. Apparently the victim’s family couldn’t care less about the mental well-being of their own because they saw their gravy ticket.

Gems from Redcafe

1.We are just…mediocre. At best. Which is quite impressive after more than a year and 400 million spent. The results are what they are, but the football barely changed, the improvement minimal. If I watched this game or the previous one without knowing, I’d guess this was under Ole or Rangnick. Right side is all defense, no attack. Left side is all attack, no defense. Midfield is a bizarre mess, and there’s no striker. It’s a bit telling that the best passer on the pitch is the goalkeeper.

A philosophy that is proving quite hard to discern and a badly built squad, is all. In a season where every point may prove vital, this could get out of hand fast. Arsenal game is also fast approaching. Let’s hope this improves very fast.

  1. I don’t get what our style of play is apart from lump it long to Rashford???

  2. Coming in to the season I had genuinely thought we were a Harry Kane and a few reinforcement signings away from a title push… but nope, no chance. We’re a £1bn away from a title push. Another pathetic, miserable performance.

  3. I’m starting to lean towards the “Never win a title with Fernandes” - he’s a cracking player for a counter attacking side but if we’re transitioning to a team which pressed and keeps the ball he costs us ALL the time.

And this is only the first page.

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The fume is real.

1bn away? :joy:

No you are a competent squad builder and manager who knows what he wants away.

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Not to forget this gem by Ten Hag Man Utd’s Ten Hag: “We want to be the best transition team in the world”

This will bite him in the ass like it did for Bodgers.

Roy Keane on Sky Sport

Manchester United are the new Spurs. Desperate.

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Goldbridge :joy::joy::joy::joy:

What does Martinez do other than being a little thug? He gets run past easily, always a penalty threat (he should have had a penalty given against him today) and nice own goal.

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Mount is very similar to Van de Beek IMO. And I think that is reason 10Hag want him so badly and fail.

Manchester United = Manure = Shitsy, or Turdsy.

How can you equate him with Brenda.
10Hag is next best thing since Pep and Klopp. :wink: :face_vomiting: