Those jammy fuckers down the M62

They got lucky at the start of the last season to face our weakest side in years when they needed it the most. Now it’s something similar but with their overall fixture list. I wish they were playing Newcastle, Brighton or Man City now!

I’m happy with the teams they are facing.

They would struggle in those matches anyhow.


Supposed to be a Greenwood announcement tomorrow (Monday).

It will/would be millions down the drain so I expect them to welcome him back while mentioning how sorry he is, how he’s going to therapy daily, how he blah, blah, blah, spin, spin, puke, and then massage him back into the balance sheet.

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The tossers over on Twitter or whatever Elon cares to call it will be working OT on it but for all the so called “bantz embarrassment” of last week transfers.

Welcoming back that shithead to play first team football eclipses it all.

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It means wanking or fucking up in Greek.

The elephant in the room was always going to be their lack of other striker and the pressure that adds to keep him on. This season has now started in exactly the worst way possible for them with respect to this decision and the cynical side of me thinks this was probably part of why they delayed the decision.

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I’d rather us win the league every year, nicking it from ManU on the last match day in the most dramatic (we score the winner in the 97’) or hilarious (ricochets off four ManU defenders for the losing own goal) way possible.

I’ll be very surprised if Greenwood isn’t registered as a player by the end of the transfer window.

Fuck no. Smash those cunts in 5 matches before to win the league away at old Trafford.

WRONG -He’s finished at United;

Manchester United has concluded its internal investigation into the allegations made against Mason Greenwood.

Our process commenced in February 2023, following all charges against Mason being dropped. Throughout, we have taken into account the wishes, rights and perspective of the alleged victim along with the club’s standards and values, and sought to collate as much information and context as possible. This has required us to proceed with sensitivity and care to obtain evidence not in the public domain, including from those with direct knowledge of the case.

Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged. That said, as Mason publicly acknowledges today, he has made mistakes which he is taking responsibility for.

All those involved, including Mason, recognise the difficulties with him recommencing his career at Manchester United. It has therefore been mutually agreed that it would be most appropriate for him to do so away from Old Trafford, and we will now work with Mason to achieve that outcome.

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Mason Greenwoods Statement;

“I want to start by saying I understand that people will judge me because of what they have seen and heard on social media, and I know people will think the worst. I was brought up to know that violence or abuse in any relationship is wrong, I did not do the things I was accused of, and in February I was cleared of all charges.

“However, I fully accept I made mistakes in my relationship, and I take my share of responsibility for the situations which led to the social media post. I am learning to understand my responsibilities to set a good example as a professional footballer, and I’m focused on the big responsibility of being a father, as well as a good partner.

“Today’s decision has been part of a collaborative process between Manchester United, my family and me. The best decision for us all, is for me to continue my football career away from Old Trafford, where my presence will not be a distraction for the club. I thank the club for their support since I joined aged seven. There will always be a part of me which is United.

“I am enormously grateful to my family and all my loved ones for their support, and it is now for me to repay the trust those around me have shown. I intend to be a better footballer, but most importantly a good father, a better person, and to use my talents in a positive way on and off the pitch.”

He wasn’t cleared though was he? Charges dropped is different?


Was coming to post this update. Feels obvious to me that they WERE planning on bringing him back into the squad, leaked the stuff to The Athletic as a means of soft-announcing it to gauge reaction, then seeing the massive backlash, they’ve bit the bullet and let him go.

The whole thing has been handled ridiculously. Audio and visual evidence were conclusive that he physically and mentally abused this girl, the time to dismiss him from the team was 18 months ago.

Scum club doing scum things.


So they want a satisfactory transfer fee, just like a satisfactory sale price for the club, so we will be waiting a while. Saudi bid for player incoming.


Written by some PR bloke and checked by 5 lawyers …

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Fuck these people. From Arnold’s statement:

“While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with.”


Yep. Pleasantly surprised then

They’re basically trying to whitewash his image so that another team will bring him in. I don’t see that he’d be given even a moment’s peace anywhere in the UK, so off to the continent it will be. He’ll end up in Italy or Spain, I reckon. Cunt.



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