Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Shit father blinded by the fact greenwood is the father to his grandchild and financial provider.
The audio in this is so clear it cannot be justified no matter which angle you’re looking at this. Him still being on full pay all that time is mental and an insult to the rest of the UK working public.
Every club considering him will probably be seen as pro-rapist but it will probably happen… going abroad most likely.

I kinda feel for (some) of their fans at this point. The club is run so badly that there can be no hope of them getting their shit together anytime in the near future.

Still, fuck’m.

What’s United’s alternative? Sack him for conduct in violation of his contract? Given the situation, that’s difficult to prove. Would be a costly shit show which wouldn’t please the owners / shareholders. That’s exactly what I’d have done after I heard the audio (having given him the chance to explain) if I were the sole owner but morals pale into insignificance in the face of the $$$$ of big business. As you know.

Greenwood and his daughter got back together and were expecting a child way after these epiosdes.

As was said by one of the women’s groups quoted by the BBC, ‘the right decision for the wrong reasons’. For Utd to imply that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed is just disgusting.

Never mind their duty of care to him, they should have made it clear to everyone that they will not tolerate that sort of behavior from any of their employees.


Barney’s take:


Not sure they can sell him for any money, who in the right mind would pay any sum for him from the big leagues and suffer a backlash. But it I am Greenwood, I will just take the weekly pay and enjoy my life because the manures with their statement have no moral grounds to sack him and will find difficulty to sell him.

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" Bruises, a cut mouth. Audio where a man referred to by a woman as “Mason” says “I don’t give a fuck what you want … I’m going to fuck you, you twat … I don’t care if you want to have sex with me … Push me again one more time and watch what happens to you.”

Man Utd : “Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged.”

Greenwood: “I was brought up to know that violence or abuse in any relationship is wrong, I did not do the things I was accused of, and in February I was cleared of all charges.”

Welcome to your new post-truth reality.


Shades of Drumpf’s Alternative Facts. :face_vomiting:

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You couldn’t make it up.

So he’s saying his partner lied? Why is he starting a family with her then?

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With the moral ineptitude United have shown , I think its them expecting either a buy back deal or a sell on deal. Once the furore around Greenwood goes and it will go(especially if he lights up Serie A , with the public memory being short and people in general being hypocritical cunts.


We’ll tell ourselves any number of lies to soften uncomfortable and unavoidable truths.

Thanks Terry.


Shall do.

The one sits most uncomfortably with me is the line in his statement claiming to have been cleared. It’s one thing for a pundit to make that mistake of fact. It’s another entirely to advance that misunderstanding in an official public statement that you know the club lawyers have been all over. This is a purposeful attempt to smooth over his image.


See Gerrard’s team have been linked to him

There goes another one…

They lose him, that could mean a recall for the great Harry Maguire, which I think is what we all want


A move that trades the chance for sporting success for money? He’d never do that.

Football Grinning GIF by Liverpool FC

Let’s not forget Eric Ten Hag was interested in getting Greenwood back.