Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Looks like they’ve got the deal done for Amrabat

The deal is for a loan with an option to buy the player for €25m (£21.4m).

They have a low bar to choose from. Their best LB is Luke Shaw.

I’ll go on a limb and say Kostas if the way United play will be a better fit at that position than Luke Shaw and that’s not even counting Robbo into the equation.

He’ll run around a lot, but so would have Fred and McTominay. I dont see what he adds to them that those guys who were seemingly surplus wouldnt have.

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Amrabat is shit as well. They got him to force the sale. Considering its his major pay increase , don’t blame a footballer for downing tools.

But that said , even VVD/Coutinho/Suarez didn’t down tools and not sure I’d want a footballer who downs tools in an attempt to force a transfer to us.

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Two incredibly defensive players and a bunch of too offensive ones.

Wonderful balance in midfield. They haven’t learned anything, have they.


£8.5M loan fee, by the way.

I think fred was hard done by. Ole didn’t have a clue on how to use him. And he was very very overpriced.

A right coach could get a tune out of him. But glad we got Fabinho at that time instead of fred.

One injury to Casemiro from being a proper implosion.

The excitement of a new signing?



I reckon he is one Gregg’s trip away from tearing a hammy off the bone.

I’ll sponsor that.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

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If the Qatari deal fell through I’d half expect they will start unsettling.

The McTominay thread in Redcafe

Clearly he was seen as nothing more than a cheap/loan option on the market this summer, while we seemed to think he was a big money asset.

A number of reports of ‘interest’, who all seemed to pursue other options once we asked for real money. West Ham came forward with an actual bid, but it was a first and final bid, which is uncommon in itself. Ince we bluffed them, they went back and got Ward Prowse, who they had tried for before and was seemingly their first choice. Fulham have preferred Hojberg, Bayern Palinha, Newcastle Tonali.

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Yeah can’t think why Bayern didn’t make a move for McTominay.


Didn’t recognize the undoubted talent that he had. Such a shame.

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These guys are killing it in the loan market.

Shit transfers but apparently they think that it’s enough to have people in there. Regulion will get skinned and Amrabat is shit.


Is the “it” you are speaking of the hope of their fans?

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