Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Some brilliant quips in that video :0)

Might be worth buying some shares?

Tits on a Nun FC has to be one of the better ones.


I suspect it has a good way to fall yet. It was $12.22 just before they announced the sale and up to $27.56 when they had their deadline for bids. I wonder who bought and sold shares and when?

There was a word play on Bramall Lane one day…

‘More like Bramble Lane, coz they’re cutting us to pieces…’

Something like that.

Always good for a laugh when they’re losing, which in recent years has been often.


Average footballer at best and seems highly likely that he is a ghastly human. We sure can pick em.

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A classic as is:

“Tits on a worm? Tits on a nun! Tits on a worm! We’re low, is the point I’m making…”

Yeah they won the first half of the 7-0 :wink:

Just not in score or anything that actually relates to actual football results.

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First goal makes a bit difference in the game. They were on top until that first goal

Lebron James Wow GIF by Bleacher Report

Reminder that over on’t Caf, they fully expected to be in the title race this season.

Jerry Lawler GIFs | Tenor


Even for their club ? Munich ?

Lot of these “adversities” faced by Ten Hag are self inflicted. He chose to sign Mount , He chose to sign Antony.

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i hope she’s wrong on the 1st part about the glazers not been able to stay much longer

but the rest of it is beautiful…

can stop smilling after reading it…

What absolute garbage.

“Ferguson heroics”.

They’ve spent only second to Chelsea over the last 5 years and we know what they’ve been like.

Are you accusing my bird of talking bollocks? Because that would be a very bold claim, sir…

Plenty of blue ticks sending her DMs I would watch out.


Swiss Ramble has nothing to fear from Alice…

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You make it sound like she’s drowning in blue ticks.

The cognitive dissonance on Antony in particular is spectacular. This was a player he knew, fought the ManU hierarchy to buy, and was almost certainly briefing the press that he was fighting the hierarchy to buy. The rumours around Antony burst out in the open in June, but go back to Ajax. Any modicum of due dligence on a £82M acquisition would have raised question marks, with minimal expenditure necessary. Even in June, the club had an opportunity to handle it differently (even if cynically) - acknowledge, apologize, put him in some absurd therapy program, done.

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I think it is a misreading of the financial limitations they operated under. Yes we know there are issues with debt servicing and infrastructure, but she is focusing being hamstrung in the latter portions of the window without consideration of the fact they’d already spent near 150 million on new signings


FFP is perfect for the Glazers, provides them with a ready defence against fan criticisms - meanwhile, they can continue to draw cash out of the club.

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